FormsStaffStudent → Notice of High School Course Mark Exclusion

Notice of High School Course Mark Exclusion

About this Form

Form number: 560-55

Audience:  School Staff

Last revised: November 2019

INSTRUCTIONS: As set forth in MCPS Regulation IKA-RA, Grading and Reporting, a student may retake a high school credit-bearing course or a portion of a course (however, retaking a portion of a course is only permitted under conditions set forth in MCPS Regulation IKA-RA). Documentation is required to replace a grade for a course a student retook in its entirety, or for the failed portion(s) of a course a student took through credit recovery. The highest of the grades earned shall be entered on the student’s transcript and shall be used for the purpose of computing weighted and unweighted grade point.

The documentation to update a grade for a portion of a course completed through credit recovery must be reviewed and a determination issued by the principal within 45 school days of the end of the semester in which a student completed a credit recovery course.

The school counselor completes the documentation for courses retaken in their entirety.

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