Schools at a Glance

Schools at a Glance provides, in a single document, information about enrollment, staffing, facilities, programs, outcome measures, and personnel costs for each school. Personnel costs include position salaries for professional and supporting services employees and employee benefits costs related to positions. Summaries are also included for the county and by level.

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2022-2023 Schools at a Glance

Entire 2022-2023 Schools at a Glance Adobe PDF icon square

Elementary Schools


Middle Schools


High Schools


Special Schools


County Summaries


Cluster Maps


school profiles See School Profiles for colorful charts and graphs

About Schools at a Glance

Contact Us

For questions concerning:

  • Statistical, demographic, or test data
    Office of Shared Accountability: 240-740-2930
  • School programs
    Office of School Support and Improvement: 240-740-3100
  • Staffing data
    Office of the Chief Operating Officer: 240-740-3050
  • Financial data
    Office of the Chief Financial Officer: 240-740-3160
  • Facilities issues
    Department of Facilities Management: 240-314-1060