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Districtwide Compliance Training 2024-2025 Completion Expectations for Substitute Teachers

Dear Returning Substitute Teacher:

We are pleased to welcome you back as a Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) substitute teacher for the 2024-2025 school year. As a school system employee, you are required to complete the mandatory online compliance training modules between July 1, 2024, and the first day of school, August 26, 2024. These online modules include critical compliance training on MCPS policies and regulations, as well as the MCPS Employee Code of Conduct.  All employees in the district are required each year to take this training.

Compliance Training Modules

There are three modules. It will take approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to complete the modules, which are each approximately 45 minutes in length. It is essential that you complete all three modules prior to the first day of school.  Please register and access this training at Professional Development Online (PDO) under course #92589.

If you have difficulty registering for this module, please contact the Help Desk via email at, or phone, 240-740-9000.  If you do not have an account in PDO, please complete the MCPS form Non-MCPS and Temporary Staff Account Request to establish an account and return it to the PDO Administrator, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland 20850.


You will receive your hourly rate of pay for completion of all three compliance modules for 2 hour and 30 minutes. You can expect the payroll to be completed within six to eight weeks from the completion date.

Completion Deadline

It is expected that the compliance training modules will be completed before the first day of school.  By accessing the online compliance training, your completion of the training will be automatically recorded and received by the system.  You will not need to provide evidence of completion to schools. It is important to understand that failure to complete these modules before the first day of school will result in the Substitute Office suspending your account.  Should this occur, please contact Mrs. Amy R. Bledsoe, substitute teacher staffing specialist, Department of Human Capital Management, Office of Human Resources and Development, at 240-740-8060, or via email at, to discuss reactivation.

Important Resource Information

Important resource information, including a video tutorial for completing the compliance training modules, can be found on the MCPS Student Welfare and Compliance website.

Technical Difficulties or Program Concerns

If you need help or encounter an issue:

  1. Navigate to the Help Desk portal at or via the MCPS Resources bookmarks folder
  2. Search “compliance” in the search bar to find helpful guides and screencasts 
  3. If the guides don’t help resolve your issue, click Get Help on the right-hand side of the portal homepage. Make sure to choose “Compliance Training” as the Service 
  4. For questions related to the content of the trainings, email  

Thank you for all that you do on behalf of MCPS students, and I hope that you have a wonderful school year.


Ella Bradley
Director, Department of Human Capital Management
Office of Human Resources and Development