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Students are encouraged to check out the following scholarship opportunities available through their high school College and Career Centers. Additional scholarships and awards can be searched through several comprehensive online databases as well as through the Financial Aid Offices of the colleges and universities under consideration.

100 Years of Women Scholarship   3/22/24 12 $750-$1000 Commitment to women's issues, financial need, current University of Connecticut student
Abbott & Fenner   6/10/24 11-12 $1000 Essay required
ACF Visionary Scholarship  6/1/24 9-12 $1000-$5000 500 word essay on "Why College is Important to Me"
Aero Club Foundation  3/1/24 12 $5000 Students studying aviation/aerospace related fields
AFCEA STEM Scholarship  3/17/24 12   U.S. citizen studying STEM for computer science, engineering, math, physics, chemistry, cybersecurity
AFSA HS Essay Contest  varies 9-12 $2500 Essay about Peace in Conflict affected areas
AHEPA Scholarship  3/31/24 12 $2000 max Hellenic descent and/or Phil-Hellene; the son or daughter of a member, in good standing, of AHEPA, the Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles or the Maids of Athena
Air Force Officers' Spouses' Club Scholarship  3/8/24 12   GPA 3.25+, military dependents of active duty, reserve, guard, retired, MIA/POW, deceased officer or enlisted members of the USAF
Airmen Memorial Foundation Scholarship  3/31/24 12 $1000-$5000 GPA 3.5+, first-generation student, engineering, or computer science
Alfred Street Baptist Church Foundation 4/15/24 12 $1000-$7500 2.5+ GPA, financial need US citizenship, demonstrated committment to community
American Chemical Society Scholars  3/1/24 12 $5000 max GPA 3.0+, underrepresented minority seniors with financial need who are planning to pursue a degree in the chemical sciences
American Foreign Service Association Scholarship 3/11/24 12   Children of Foreign Service employees whose parents must also be members of the American Foreign Service Association, employee must be active-duty, retired, separated, or deceased
American Legion Baseball Scholarship 7/15/24 12 $500-$5000 Must be nominated by team manager or head coach of an American Legion team, be on current roster filed with national headquarters, be on team affiliated with an American Legion post
American Legion General Scholarship  4/19/24 12 $1000 U.S. citizen, female in the upper 50% of the class
American Legion Medical Scholarship  4/19/24 12 $1000 U.S. citizen, medical field
American Physical Society Varies 12   Variety of Scholarships for Physics
American Rocketry Challenge 4/4/24 9-12 $20,000 Design, Build and Launch Rocket
Architects Foundation Scholarship  varies 12 up to $20,000 Planning to enroll in a NAAB-accredited architecture degree program
Ashley Tamburri Scholarship  3/31/24 12 $1000 Seniors who are cancer survivors or are living with cancer diagnosis
ASHRAE  5/1/24 12 $3000 GPA 3.0+, be accepted into an engineering, pre-engineering, or engineering technology program
Aspiring Nurse Scholarships  Varies 12 Varies  
Ayn Rand Essay Contest  4/25/24 9-12 $2000-$5000 Comparing Anthem and The Fountainhead essay contest
B. Davis Scholarship 5/21/23 11-12 $1000 Essay: Describe the three characteristics of leadership you value most and why you believe that these traits are so important and how you feel that they are developed in an individual
Bernie Scholarship Awards Program  4/1/23 12   GPA 2.0+, resident of Montgomery County, MD receiving housing assistance from the agencies partnered with the program, must have demonstrated community service, online applications only
Beyond the Cure  3/31/23 12 $5000 Childhood cancer survivor
BigSun Scholarship  6/19/23 12 $500 All student athletes are eligible regardless of the sport they are engaged in or the capacity in which they participate
Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship  3/15/23 12 $2500-$5000 African American student planning to pursue a career in technology
Blacks in Government DOL Scholarship  3/15/23 12   GPA 2.0+, must have applied to at least one institution of higher learning
Brower Youth Award  5/1/23 8-12 $3000 Be a youth environmental change leader
Cathay Bank Foundation  4/3/23 12 $1000 GPA 3.0+, household income below the low income level, must be attending 4 year college
Central Scholarship  3/15/23 12 $1000-$11000 GPA 2.8+, U.S. citizen, family income of $90,000 or less
Chuan Ai Lu Engstrom Memorial Scholarship  8/1/23 12 $1000 GPA 2.5+, write an essay of no fewer than 800 words about the topic: Discuss your vision of electronic design, engineering and manufacturing in the global economy
Civics Education Essay Contest  3/22/23 9-12 $3000 Essay contest
CLAES Nobel Good Earth Sustainability Scholarship  8/1/23 9-12 $2000 Students with a dedicated passion for conservation, sustainability, environmental policy or preservation of the earth
Code Wizard Scholarship 5/1/23 12 $2500 GPA 3.5+, STEM major
College JumpStart Scholarship 4/15/23 10-12 $1000 Planning to attend an accredited 2 or 4-year college/university, or a vocational/trade school in the U.S.
College Prep 365 Scholarship 3/30/23 12   GPA 3.2, essay, transcript, two recommendation letters
Commissioners Engineering Scholarship Program 4/17/23 12 $2000 Enrolled full time in a degree program at an accredited college or university that leads to an engineering degree in one of the following areas: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or Computer Science/Engineering, proof of permanent residency in WSSC Water’s service district
Create Real Impact Scholarship 4/27/23 9-12 $250-$10000 Social media campaign video or graphic design
Crossword Maker Scholarship 5/1/23 12 $1000 Must create an original 15 x 15 newspaper style crossword
Dairy Shrine Scholarship 4/15/23 12 $3000 Agricultural journalism, dairy/animal science
Delegate Carr Scholarship 5/26/23 12 Varies Must reside in 20814, 20816, 20817 zip codes, attend college in Maryland
Delegate Charkoudian Scholarship 5/10/23 12 Varies Must reside in 20910 zip code, attend college in Maryland
Delegate Moon Scholarship 5/15/23 12 Varies Must reside in 20910 zip code, attend college in Maryland
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority 3/17/23 12 Varies GPA 2.5+, demonstrate commitment to community service
Digital Privacy Scholarship 6/30/23 9-12   U.S. citizen, statement, "I'm taking responsibility for my digital profile by..."
Disability Leadership and Scholarship Program 3/1/23 12 $10000 Rochester Institute of Technology applicants, self identify as Disabled, Deaf Plus, d/Deaf, or hard of hearing
Discover the Difference 3/20/23 12 $5000 GPA 3.0+, U.S. citizen, pursue an AA, Bachelor's, or Master's degree
Doodle for Google 3/14/23 9-12 $30000 Design a Google Doodle displayed on the home page
Driver's Education Scholarship 3/31/23 12 $3000 Essay on the topic of being a safe driver
Dunkin' Donuts Scholarship 4/13/23 12 $2500 GPA 3.0+, must reside in eligible municipalities
Dwight B. Jacobus Scholarship 3/1/23 12 $1000 GPA 3.0+, Maryland resident, admission to full-time Maryland college or university
Eagle Scout of the Year 3/1/23 10-12 $2500-$10000 Must be an active Eagle Scout
Educational Theatre Association Scholarships 4/1/23 12 $1000-$2000 Theatre or film school
EGIA Foundation Scholarship Program 4/30/23 12 $2500 GPA 2.0+, U.S. citizen, HVAC technical program AA, Certificate, or Diploma
Elevate Mental Health Awareness 4/29/23 12 $500 Students struggling with depression
Esperanza Education Fund Scholarship 4/1/23 12 $3000-$20000 Born outside the U.S. or have two parents born outside the U.S., household income for 2022 was less than $100,000
Experimental Aircraft Association 3/1/24 12   Interested in studying aviation
Federal Water Quality Association 4/10/23 12 $2000 Planning to pursue environmental careers
Fort Myer Thrift Shop Scholarship 4/18/23 12   GPA 3.0+, children of active duty, retired or deceased U.S. Army all ranks personnel, must have a current military ID card, essay
Fourth Circuit Court Essay Contest 5/31/23 9-12 $1000-$2000 Essay contest
Frame My Future Scholarship 3/1/23 12 $500-$6000 Submit an original creation expressing what YOU hope to achieve in your personal and professional life after college
Got a Spine Scholarship 5/2/23 12 $500 GPA 2.5+, U.S. citizen, must attend college by October 2023
Greeting Card Contest 3/2/23 9-12 $10000 Create a greeting card
Herbert Lehman Education Fund Scholarship 4/1/23 12 $3000/4 years U.S. citizen, financial need, combined family income of $70,000 or less
HITEC Foundation Scholarship 4/14/23 12 $5000 GPA 3.0+, must be of Hispanic heritage, major in technology
Horatio Alger Scholarship 3/15/23 12   GPA 2.0+, U.S. citizen, financial need, family income of $55,00 or less, involved in community service and co-curricular activities
Intertech Foundation STEM Scholarship 4/15/23 12 $2500 GPA 3.3+, intention to study computer science
Ira Dorsey Scholarship Fund 4/15/23 12 $2000 GPA 2.5+, Male
Japanese American Veterans Association 4/29/23 12 $1500-$3000 Students or parents who are members of JAVA
Journalist of the Year Scholarship 2/1/23 12 $1000-$3000 Begins at state level, winning portfolios are sent to the national level
JSSA Scholarship 5/3/23 12 $875-$6000 Various Jewish scholarships
Kailee Mills Foundation 5/1/23 11-12 $500-$2500 GPA 3.4+, U.S. citizen, help spread seat belt safety awareness
Kaiser Permanente Health Equity Scholars Program 2/8/23 12 $2500 GPA 2.5+, interest in pursuing a clinical or non-clinical career in the healthcare industry
Kao Kalia Yang Scholarship 4/3/23 12 $5000 GPA 2.8+, Blood descendants of Hmong race, financial need
Kezian Science Scholarship 3/31/23 12 $1200 GPA 3.0+, essay
Kids Chance of Maryland Scholarship   12   Parent or guardian suffered a catastrophic injury or occupational disease while working for a Maryland employer
Kimmy Duong Foundation 3/5/23 12 $1000-$3000 Vietnamese American students, must attend one of these schools: University of Maryland, George Mason University, Montgomery College, University of Virginia, Virginia Tech University, or Virginia Commonwealth University
League of Educators for Asian American Progress (LEAAP) 4/1/23 12 $2000 GPA 3.0+, students of Asian descent who plan to major in the field of education, essay, resume, recommendation letters
Leslie Ebert Legacy of Life Scholarship 4/14/23 12 $1000-$5000 Essay or video to convince an audience to become organ, eye, and tissue donors
Life Chiropractic of Olney Scholarship 6/2/23 12 $500-$750 GPA 3.0+, essay required, major in health-related field
Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship 3/31/23 12 $10000 GPA 2.5+, U.S. citizen, financial need, planned major in: engineering, physics, computer science, and math
Lockheed Martin Vocational Scholarship 3/31/23 12 $5000 Enroll full or part time at a vocational-technical school, trade school, community college, or state college
Look Back Give Back Foundation Scholarship 3/17/23 12 $1000-$5000 GPA 2.0+, Black or African American, financial need, essay required
Louis Goaziou Lodge #1953 Scholarship 3/31/23 12 $500 GPA 2.5+, quiz about freemasonry in the history of the United States and today
LULAC National Scholarship Fund 3/31/23 12 $250-$2000 U.S. citizen, legal permanent resident, or DACA, Hispanic/Latino community
Martin Luther Kind Jr. Scholarship Award 6/1/23 12   Financial need, academic achievement, proof of acceptance to a four year college, short essay
Maryland Emergency Management Association Donald "Doc" Lumpkins Memorial Scholarship 4/7/23 12 $1000 Pursuing a major in emergency management or a closely related field, members of MDEMA and immediate family members are not eligible
Maryland State Financial Assistance Programs Varies   Varies Numerous grants and scholarships based on financial need, chosen career/occupation, or unique population
Masonic Charities of Maryland 3/31/23 12 $500-$7000 Leadership in school and community, participation, financial need, and resume
Mayflower Descendants Scholarship 4/1/23 12 $1500 Must be a Member in good standing, Junior Member, or have direct lineage to a member of the Maryland Society, must describe lineage to at least one Mayflower Pilgrim
MCABSE Scholarship 3/10/23 12   GPA 3.5+, African American, pursue post-secondary studies at a college or technical school
MCAC Scholarship 3/17/23 12 Varies GPA 2.0+, two essays
MCPS Educational Foundation Varies 12 Varies Various scholarships offered
MELLFIN Scholarship 4/3/23 12 $1000 GPA 3.0+, in an ESOL program or have exited ESOL within the past 3 years
Men's College Scholarship 4/4/23 12   Males, who excel in academics, extra-curriculars, and community involvement
Miss Utility of Maryland/D.C. 5/26/23 12 $1008.11 Essay describing the importance of Miss Utility and how it could relate to a future career path
MKYF Lawrence Hamm, Sr. Scholarship 3/1/23 12 $1500 MCPS minority and disadvantaged with financial need, who have demonstrated volunteer and community service involvement
Montgomery College Board of Trustees Scholarship 3/1/23 12 One year tuition GPA 3.0+, letter or recommendation, essays, admission to Montgomery College
Montgomery College Grants and Scholarships Varies   Varies Numerous grants and scholarships based on financial need, chosen career/occupation, academic achievement, or children of MC graduates

Montgomery County Chapter Bowie State University National Alumni Association, Inc.


5/15/25 12 $1000 - $3000 1. good standing in the community. 2. have applied for upcoming Fall semester admission to Bowie State University. 3. provide a sealed copy of their most recent official transcript with the scholarship application. 4. have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.5 or greater.
More With Us Scholarship 6/30/23 12 $500 Submit an essay or short video about work or volunteer experience
NAACP Scholarship 3/24/23 12 $1000 GPA 3.0+, students of color, extra-curricular activities, faith or religion-based, or volunteer activities
NAACP Scott Robinson Memorial Scholarship 3/1/23 12 $1000 GPA 2.0+, students of color, enrolls at Garrett College full-time
National Italian American Foundation Scholarship 3/1/23 12 $2500-$12000 GPA 3.5+, have an active NIAF membership, have Italian American ancestry, must have at least one ancestor who has immigrated from Italy
National Pan-Hellenic Council-Montgomery County Chapter 4/17/23 12   Essay: "How I Plan to Impact the Future", two letters of recommendation
National Press Club Scholarships Varies 12 $5000 GPA 3.0+, pursue a career in journalism
National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation Scholarships 3/15/23 12 Varies Students majoring in a restaurant, foodservice, or hospitality-related program, unrelated to any employees or family members of the National Restaurant Association, National Restaurant Educational Foundation, or any State Restaurant Association
National Society of Black Engineers 6/30/23 12 $1000 African American students studying STEM, must be a member of NSBE
Naval Officers' Spouses' Club 4/1/23 12   Must be a dependent child of an active duty, activated reservist, retired from active duty, or deceased United States Navy (USN) service member
Nurse Corps Scholarship 5/4/23 12 Varies Accepted or enrolled in a nursing degree program in the U.S., 2 year service commitment at a Critical Shortage Facility
PB&J Foundation Scholarship 5/31/23 12 $1000 Students who have experienced personal challenges: medical, peer, and family issues
Pedro Zamora Young Leaders Scholarship 7/15/23 12 $5000 Students passionate about health and social justice, personal statement and essay required
PHCC Educational Foundation Scholarship 5/1/23 12 $1500-$10000 Enrolled in PHCC approved plumbing or HVAC apprentice program, letter of recommendation 
Phi Beta Kappa High School Awards Program 4/8/23 12 $1000 GPA 3.5+, academic achievement, community involvement, and dedication to liberal arts and sciences
Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 4/9/23 12 $1000 GPA 2.5-3.0, GPA 3.0+, attend school in Potomac, Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Rockville, Poolesville, Darnestown, or Seneca, cannot be a daughter or son of a member of the sorority, enrolled full-time by Fall 2023 
Project Yellow Light Scholarship 3/1/24 9-12 $2000 Create a billboard on the dangers of texting and driving
Project Yellow Light Scholarship 3/1/24   $2000-$8000 Create a radio spot or billboard design to motivate, persuade and encourage your peers to not drive distracted
Richard Holland Memorial Scholarship 3/15/24 12   GPA 3.5+. family income less than $100,000, essay, video, and resume
Robert & Shirley Mangum Memorial Scholarship 4/1/24 12 $2000 Collegiate studies in the fields of ornamental horticulture, floriculture, greenhouse growing, interior landscaping and related studies
Rover Scholarship 5/1/24 12 $2500 GPA 3.0+, essay about growing up with a pet
Sander Cohen Scholarship Foundation 3/1/24 12 $1500 Pursue a degree in fire and safety engineering, arson investigation, law enforcement officer, criminal justice, homeland security, or EMT/paramedic
SEG Geophysics Scholarship 3/1/24 12 $500-$10000 Pursue a college curriculum directed toward a career in applied geophysics
Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship 4/30/24 12   GPA 2.0+, U.S. citizen, financial need
Sherry S. Hintz Scholarship Fund 4/5/24 11-12 $20000/4 years GPA 3.0+, lost a parent or guardian to breast or ovarian cancer, financial need
Society of Women Engineers Scholarship 3/31/24 12   Female student, studying fields in engineering, engineering technology, and fields related to engineering
Student-View Scholarship Program 4/23/24 12 $500-$5000 Login and fill out an online survey about colleges in your area
Taiwanese American Scholarship Fund 4/15/24 12 $7500 GPA 3.0+, financial need, U.S. citizen and direct blood descendant of a Taiwanese citizen
Thurgood Marshall College Fund Scholarships 3/8/24 12   Various scholarships offered with companies and foundations, login to online scholarship portal
Tzu Chi USA Scholarship 3/31/23 12 $1500 GPA 3.0+, financial need, essay
UNCF General Scholarship 3/31/23 12   GPA 2.5+, financial need, African American, be enrolled full-time at a UNCF member college or university
University of the Aftermarket Foundation 3/31/24 12   Student at college or university or an ASE/NATEF certified post-secondary automotive, heavy duty, or collision repair school, essay or video required
University of Rochester High School Awards 6/15/23 11   Accepted and plan on attending the University following graduation, four awards with different criteria, students must be nominated by high school
USDA/1890 National Scholars Program 3/1/24 12 Full Tuition GPA 3.0+, accepted for admission to an 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant University, study agriculture, food, natural resource sciences, or related fields
USPAACC 3/1/24 12   GPA 3.3+, East, South, Southeast Asian, or Pacific Island heritage, leadership in extracurricular activities, community service, financial need, essay
Veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts Scholarship 4/1/24 12   Parents are veterans, reserve, or active duty member of the Armed Forces who served at least 60 days in the Afghanistan or Iraq Conflicts, must attend Maryland institution
WISER Scholarship 3/14/24 12 $1000 Must have documented need for accommodation (learning and accessibility needs), leadership through community engagement
Women of the Dove Book Scholarships 4/7/23 12 $500-$1000 GPA 2.75+, female, attending a HBCU in Fall 2023
Women's Equality Scholarship 5/31/23 12 $1000 GPA 3.0+, female, essay
Zaching Against Cancer Foundation Scholarship 4/1/24 12 $2500 GPA 2.0+, overcome significant hardship, medical challenge, and/or family issue relating to cancer
Zeta Phi Beta - Eta Pi Zeta Chapter Scholarship 3/15/24 12 $1000 GPA 2.5+, community service and leadership