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Accelerated and Enriched Instruction

Montgomery County Public Schools is committed to providing rigorous instructional programs that encourage all students to realize their full potential as learners. A continuum of programs and services are provided.

Students’ learning may be enriched and accelerated; and, students may participate in advanced-level coursework at their local schools. Instruction is differentiated to provide all students appropriate pacing and support necessary for advanced-level learning.

Students may also attend special programs such as centers for enriched studies, magnet programs, or specialized programs, based on their interest and talent.



GT Identification Process

GT Identification results have been uploaded in the documents section of ParentVue for students in Grades 2, 3, 5, and 7 who are part of the gifted and talented screening or rescreening process.  Letters were also sent via US Mail on 5/30/2024.

For more information about the criteria for gifted and talented designation and answers to frequently asked questions, please read:  Understanding the Gifted and Talented Identification Process (2023-2024)

de la Identificación GT

Los resultados de la Identificación GT se han subido a la sección de documentos de ParentVue para los estudiantes de  los grados 2, 3, 5 y 7 que forman parte del proceso de evaluación o reevaluación.  Las cartas también se enviaron por correo el 30 de Mayo del 2024.

Para obtener más información sobre los criterios para la designación de superdotados y talentosos y las respuestas de las preguntas frecuentes, lea: Comprensión del proceso de identificación de superdotados y talentosos (2023-2024)

Updated 5/30/2024

CogAT Testing Update

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) will not be used as a data source in the 2023-2024 GT Identification process. 

Students in grades 2 and 3 will take the COGAT in the 2024-2025 school year. 

Updated 05/01/24

Enriched Literacy Curriculum (ELC) 2023-2024

To address the needs of academically gifted and advanced readers at the local school level, MCPS expanded the ELC  to all comprehensive K-5 elementary schools. The schools that were added during the 2023-2024 school year began implementing the ELC in grade 4 and will add ELC to grade 5 during the 2024-2025 school year.

Updated 11/16/2024

AEI Highlights

Elementary Programs
Local Enrichment, Enriched Literacy Curriculum, Centers for Enriched Studies

Middle School Programs
 Local Enriched Courses in Math and World Studies, Magnet Programs,

 High School Programs
Magnet Programs

 Twice Exceptional Students and Services
Frequently Asked Questions, Publications and Resources about gifted students with disabilities (e.g. GT/LD)

Policies and Processes
Links to MCPS gifted and talented policies and processes including GT Identification 

Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE) School Awards Program- This program honors exceptional elementary, middle, and high schools that offer gifted and telented programs aligned with the objectives and criteria of the Maryland Criteria for Excellence:  Gifted and Talented Program Guidelines and Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.04.07 Gifted and Talented Education.  The following MCPS schools have been named EGATE schools:

  • Chevy Chase Elementary School (2016 EGATE School)
  • Montgomery Blair High School (2010 EGATE School)

About Accelerated and Enriched Instruction
AEI Vision, Mission and MCPS GT Policies

Accelerated and Enriched Instruction

850 Hungerford Drive,
Room 259
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Fax: 301-279-3529
Telephone: 240-740-3110

Curriculum and Instructional Programs,  Office of Teaching, Learning, and Schools.


For Parents & Students

Resources for Parents and Students 


AEI Feedback Council

AEI Feedback Council