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Comprehensive Health Education in Grade 4

Comprehensive health education standards and performance indicators are integrated throughout the elementary school experience. Grade 4 teachers implement a variety of health education learning activities to promote and practice wellness skills and strategies.

Key Concepts

  • Mental and emotional health—model effective communication skills; recognize how emotions influence behaviors; describe the components of personal well-being (spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotions/mental, social, environmental); examine decision-making models; demonstrate care, consideration, and respect for self and others; identify sources of stress (family, school, friends, extra-curricular activities, time management); describe methods to manage stress
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs—examine the physical, psychological, social, and legal consequences of the use of tobacco products and alcohol
  • Personal and consumer—demonstrate the ability to locate resources that provide valid health information; analyze messages of media sources (internet, magazines, radio, TV advertising)
  • Family Life and Human Sexuality - Identify how your family helps you and you help your family.
  • Safety and injury prevention—analyze risky situation and identify ways to avoid them, respond appropriately to an emergency; define harassment as a form of violence; explain safety rules for the use of electricity; gun safety; identify abuse and assault as a form of violence; assess and respond to situations that threaten personal safety and may result in abuse (physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual); identify steps in the decision-making process
  • Nutrition and fitness—identify the functions of nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, water); explain caloric intake and the relationship of physical activity and weight management; describe body image; discuss the Dietary Guidelines for Americans; describe and analyze the Nutrition Facts Label; explain the relationship between nutrition and physical activity
  •  Disease prevention and control—practice skills and strategies from prior grades to prevent and control disease.