In 2008–2009, a representative group of teachers, parents, principals, community members, and central office staff gathered for 18 months to review the MCPS mathematics program.
Their work resulted in a number of recommendations regarding curriculum, acceleration, system achievement targets, and professional development.
Several of the key recommendations included
Over the last decade, the United States has consistently ranked below 20 other nations in K–12 mathematics. The CCSS in Mathematics were developed to improve students’ understanding of mathematics compared with their international peers.
A consortium of 48 states was formed in 2008 to guide development of new standards, which outline what students should know and be able to do.
The authors of the CCSS reviewed best practices internationally and consulted content experts to create a focused, coherent, and rigorous set of standards. Maryland adopted the CCSS in June of 2010.
MCPS compared the CCSS with the 2001 curriculum standards and found that
Beginning with students who entered Grade 9 in 2011, the colleges and universities within the University System of Maryland are expecting students to complete Algebra 2 or a significant mathematics course with advanced content during their senior year.
In addition, many schools and employers are looking for the 21st century skills such as persistence, collaboration, and critical and creative Words in blue italic are defined on the back of this booklet. thinking that are the focus of Curriculum 2.0.