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Constitution Day

Classroom Resources

Teaching Constitution Day
Lessons and resources from 

Observing Constitution Day  
Teaching with Documents: Constitution game lesson from the National Archives and Records Administration

National Constitution Center  
Resources for teachers and students including interactive content and site visit information from the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia

Bill of Rights Institute  
Resources for for Constitution Day including a Constitution Duel

Revolution and the New Nation (1754-1820s)  
Lesson plans from the National Archives

Bill of Rights Source Analysis  
A Source Analysis Module from the MCPS Teaching American History grant, still in development, including video of scholar analysis, a lesson plan, and much more to come.

Washington in the Classroom  
PBS - Rediscovering George Washington: Lesson Plans for Grades 9-12

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government  
Resources broken down by grade level and links to government resources and lesson plans from the U.S. Government Printing Office

Celebrate Constitution Day  

Scholastic Teacher Resources for Constitution Day.



General Resources

Founding Documents
Links to primary sources and teaching materials relating to the founding documents collected by the MCPS Teaching American History grant

Documents from the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention  
Timelines, resources, and essays from the Library of Congress on the Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention

Charters of Freedom  
From National Archives and Records Administration; images, a transcript of the actual document, history behind it, and it's impact

National Constitution Center  
The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia links to documents, education materials, and lesson plans.

 Annenburg Classroom  
Streaming videos and lesson plans on teaching the Constitution