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Complaint from the Public (CFP)

How to appeal a Complaint from the Public?

MCPS encourages the collaborative resolution of concerns expressed by the members of the public whenever possible. The formal step of filing a complaint should be used only after problem-solving approaches among the parties most immediately involved have been unsuccessful. If you, as the parent/guardian, are seeking a review of the application of a law, Board policy, or MCPS regulation or procedure by an MCPS administrator, or are seeking the application of a rule when no action has been taken, you may file a formal complaint.

Per MCPS Regulation KLA-RA, Concerns, Complaints, and Appeals to the Superintendent of Schools, a Complaint from the Public (Complaint) may be filed when a parent/guardian disagrees with the decision of school administration and/or when a parent/guardian disagrees with MCPS policy or regulations for which a formal appeal procedure is not established.

The following complaints fall under MCPS Regulation KLA-RA, Concerns, Complaints, and Appeals to the Superintendent of Schools:

All other complaints should be processed according to their respective MCPS regulation and Board policy.

Seek Resolution of a Concern

Local School Concern

Classroom concerns or other issues specific to the operation of a local school should first be addressed to the teacher or school staff member most directly involved to seek information and resolution to a concern. If the issue is not resolved, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with the principal/designee who will attempt to resolve the matter through collaborative dialogue and reasonable problem solving methods.

Concerns about Other MCPS Operations or Administration

For concerns related to issues other than the local school, you may ask for support from the ombudsperson at 202-740-3030 or the ASkMCPS call center.

Complaint from the Public

Request a Review

If you believe the principal/director’s application of a rule is contrary to applicable rules, or no action has been taken, you may contact the Office of the Chief of Staff at 240-740-3015 for a review. The Office of the Chief of Staff will assist you to reach the designated office responsible for your concern.

Log the Complaint

If you are unsatisfied after seeking resolution from the principal or director most directly involved, and have previously sought the assistance of the ombudsperson, the Office of the Chief of Staff will log your complaint and direct it to the next administrator, who will:

  1. Confirm receipt of the complaint
  2. Open a case file and review notes of previous efforts to resolve the concern
  3. Schedule a meeting with you within 10 work days of receipt of the complaint
  4. Within 10 days of the meeting:
    1. Investigate
    2. Determine if there is a mutually agreeable solution
    3. Send a decision letter


Level 1 - Appeals to the Superintendent of Schools/Designee

If you disagree with a decision received by a department supervisor or school director, the Division of Appeals acts as the “Level 1” appeal. Send your letter of appeal and supporting documentation to the Division of Appeals at within 15 days* of the date of the original decision, as noted on the decision letter. The Division of Appeals will make a determination on the appeal and notify you within 45 work days, unless additional time is needed for further investigation.

*Please note, appeals pertaining to a student’s denial of graduation or participation in the graduation ceremony should be submitted ASAP. Appeals of a student’s 10-day suspension with recommendation for expulsion are automatic. A staff member from your child’s school will inform you of the date of the expulsion hearing.

What is the status of my appeal? When will I hear from the hearing officer?

A Division of Appeals hearing officer will contact you regarding your appeal to verify the Division of Appeals’s receipt of the appeal; obtain more information, as needed; and provide you with an opportunity to share any additional, relevant information.

The Division of Appeals hearing officer assigned to your appeal will contact you within the designated time frame, as noted by the appropriate MCPS Regulation and Board Policy. To view the mandated time frame for processing your specific appeal, please view the corresponding MCPS Regulation and/or Board Policy, here.

Level 2 - Appeals to the MCPS Board of Education

If you disagree with a decision received from the Division of Appeals, you may appeal to the MCPS Board of Education, which serves as the “Level 2” appeal. Send your letter of appeal and supporting documentation to the Board of Education at within 30 days* of the date of the Division of Appeals decision, as noted on the decision letter.

*Please note, appeals submitted to the Board of Education regarding a student’s extended suspension of expulsion must be submitted within 10 days of the date of the Division of Appeals decision, as noted on the decision letter.

Level 3 - Appeals to the Maryland State Board of Education

If you disagree with the decision received from the Board of Education, you may appeal to the Maryland State Board of Education. Send your letter of appeal and supporting documentation to the Maryland State Board of Education within 30 days of the date of the MCPS Board of Education decision, as noted on the decision letter.

Your letter of appeal and supporting documentation should be sent to:

Maryland State Board of Education

200 West Baltimore Street

Baltimore, MD 21201

When Will I Receive a Response to my Appeal?

You will receive a written response within 45 days of the Division of Appeals receipt of your appeal.

If you have questions regarding the status of your appeal, please contact the Division of Appeals at 240-740-4130.