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Athletics → Wrestling


All wrestlers wishing to participate in the MCPS wrestling program must be certified by a physician for a specific weight class. Each year, MCPS provides wrestlers an opportunity to complete this process through MCPS. Parents/guardians and wrestlers are encouraged to be familiar the Weight Certification Information below and complete the required Wrestling Weight Certification Permission Form (also available in Spanish) in order to become certified.

Weight Certification Basic Information

Dates: Details and logistics regarding the wrestling weight certification will be updated annually and will be included in the documents below.

Detailed Information: An overview and details regarding the MCPS-sponsored weight certification process are addressed in two sources, a Letter to Parents (also available in Spanish) and Frequently Asked Questions: A Guide for Parents and Wrestlers.

Schedule: Wrestlers from the 25 MCPS high schools are asked to arrive for the test according to the established schedule. Students participating in JV football games or taking the SAT on November 2nd are encouraged to attend the make-up session on November 23rd.

Bring: Wrestlers must have a signed Parent Permission Form to have their weight certified. Without signed parent permission forms, wrestlers will not be able to have their weight certified. In addition, students must also have a picture ID (such as their student ID).

What to wear: Wrestlers must wear gym shorts and t-shirts for the analysis.

Importance of Proper Hydration: Wrestlers must demonstrate that they are properly hydrated prior to their body fat analysis. Approximately 5% - 10% of students do not pass this test, and cannot proceed with the body fat analysis and weight certification.  Tips on how to make certain a person is properly hydrated are provided

Transportation: Parents/guardians are responsible for transporting their child to the test site. However, many schools are arranging MCPS bus transportation for their wrestlers. Check with the wrestling coach and athletics specialist. Parents/guardians may accompany their child, but it is not necessary.

Final Results: Once a wrestler has successfully undergone the body fat analysis, a minimum weight class will be determined, and will be verified by a physician present at the test site. The weight certification process will thus be completed. MCPS will retain a copy of the weight certification document.

Forms and Information:

Wrestling Optional Tournaments

A list of the 2024-25 wrestling optional tournaments can be found here.