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Parent and Family Engagement

Title I schools implement school level family engagement programs through meaningful consultation with parents of participating children and provide opportunities to increase knowledge and skills related to their children's education. The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 mandates parent engagement at the school level as a part of the Title I program. Each school receives funds to support a comprehensive parent engagement program. Title I instructional specialists assist in the development and implementation of the required parent engagement plan and programs. Title I does this by-

  • ensuring that required Title I information is shared with parents at each school
  • providing schools with newsletter items informing parents of Title I components
  • assisting schools to ensure that each parent is provided the School-Parent Compact
  • ensuring that each school participates in a staff training on the importance of family engagement and holding a successful parent teacher conference
  • participating in the family engagement committee and meetings
  • ensuring that each school administers at least one family involvement survey

A parent-teacher conference must be held annually. In Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), this conference often takes place on specific dates set aside in November. However, the conference may take place at other mutually convenient times.

Schools receive Title I funds to provide a comprehensive family engagement program that includes workshops focusing on strategies to help children improve their academic performance. For information about your school’s family engagement activities, contact the school office.

2024-2025 Title I Parent and Family Engagement Plan

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Parent Compact Guidance

Parent Compact Guidance - English

School Parent Compact