Early Childhood Programs and Services
Rocking Horse Road Center
4910 Macon Road, Room 200
Rockville, Maryland 20852
Phone: 240-740-4530
Fax: 301-230-3052
Prekindergarten and Head Start - Public preschool programs for income eligible children
Kindergarten - Kindergarten information and how to prepare your child for school
Curriculum - What you can expect your child will learn in school
Early Entrance Procedures - How to apply for early entrance to kindergarten and Grade 1
Judy Centers - Early childhood centers promoting school readiness
Early Childhood Coordinating Council (ECCC) - The council will be working collaboratively to plan, implement and assess activities focused on ensuring that all young children (birth through age five) of Montgomery County arrive at school fully ready to learn.
Early Childhood Title I Virtual Wellness Center - The Early Childhood and Title I offices have combined our efforts to bring you a resource that will assist in providing mindfulness, creativity, movement and overall well being. - Las oficinas de Educación Infantil y Título I han combinado nuestros esfuerzos para brindarle un recurso que le ayudará a brindar atención, creatividad, movimiento y bienestar general.
Ask MCPS - Resource for additional information about MCPS programs and services
Child Find - Educational services for young children with disabilities
LOCATE - Resource for locating childcare services in Montgomery County
Community resource guide for preschool children and their families - Listing of resources available for young children and their families | En Español
Ready at Five - Resources to support children's school readiness
Maryland Healthy Beginnings - Resources to support child development and learning from birth through age three
Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Childhood Development - Information about statewide early childhood programs and initiatives