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Word of the Month

ˈfoib(ə)l (nounA minor weakness or eccentricity in someone's character.

  • The instructor was impressed with Mack’s presentation, despite his little foibles, including his habit of grunting at the end of a sentence.
  • Personal foibles are considered an important window into a candidate’s character and judgment.
    --Washington Post Jun 19, 2016


Tip of the Month

When to use “i.e” and when to use “e.g.”.

Both are abbreviations for Latin phrases:
id est (“that is”) and exempli gratia (“for the sake of example”).

Use “i.e.” when you want to rephrase something you’ve already said.
      All the creatures in the pond (i.e., the fish) died.

Use “e.g.” when you want to offer an example.
      Use a muted green to paint the walls (e.g., seafoam or sage).

Put a comma before and after; avoid using both in the same sentence; and try not to use either in formal prose.

Bonus tip: If you start a list with “e.g.,” there’s no need to put “etc.” at the end.


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