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Word of the Month

ˈɡerələs (Adjective) Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

  • Betty sighed with relief when the garrulous taxi driver finally dropped her off at the restaurant.
  • She was as tranquil as he was agitated, as monosyllabic as he was garrulous.

         Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison


Tip of the Month

When to Use the Ampersand in Your Writing

Use the ampersand (&) —

  • with terms that are always spelled with an ampersand (R&D and Q&A);
  • with corporate names (H&R Block and Ben & Jerry’s); and
  • when mentioning the title of a document that includes one.

And if you’re working with HTML, you may need an ampersand in a character reference like &nbsp (for a nonbreaking space) or &amp (for an ampersand).

         Adapted from the Chicago Manual of Style


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