Employee and Retiree Service Center → Employees → Life Events → Divorce
As a result of your divorce, there may be actions you will want to take to update your personal and financial records. To assist you, the staff of the Employee Service Center has compiled this list of actions you may want to consider. All items listed may not pertain to your individual situation, nor may all actions you should consider be included.
Please keep copies of any confirmation e-mails you receive or forms you submit for your personal records. Feel free to call us at 240-740-8100 if you have questions or require assistance.
Note: Forms and online submissions through the Benefits Enrollment System (BES) need to be received by ERSC by the 20th of the month to be processed for the current month. If changes are received after the 20th, the change will be processed with an effective date of the following month.
Forms and BES online submissions received by September 20 are processed with October 1 effective date.
Forms and BES online submissions received after September 20 but before October 20 are processed with November 1 effective date.
Change of NameComplete MCPS Form 445-1A: Change in Personal Information for MCPS Employees.
Attach a copy of the legal document. (divorce paper, if returning to maiden name.)
Send the form and a copy of the legal document to the Employee and Retiree Service Center.
Change of Address and Phone NumberVisit the Employee Self-Service (ESS) web page and click on My address change.
Read the information provided, click Update your address.
Complete the online form.
Income Tax WithholdingAdjust Your Income Tax Withholding by visiting the Employee Self-Service web page and clicking on My W-4 under the green My Pay banner.
Log in using your MCPS username and password and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: Changing an address does not change state and local jurisdictions for income tax withholding. You may also want to examine your dependents and filing status.
Direct Deposit Account(s)Visit the Employee Self-Service web page and click on My direct deposit found under the green My Pay banner. Log in using your MCPS username and password.
Follow the on-screen instructions to make changes to your existing direct deposit account(s) or to establish an account. For detailed instructions, read our printable Quick Start Guide (PDF).
Health InsuranceTo cancel your former spouse's coverage, visit the Employee Self-Service (ESS) web page and select Benefits enrollment/changes due to qualifying life event. Log in to the Benefits Enrollment System and follow the on-screen instructions.
Note: If dropping spouse from coverage due to divorce, spouse must be dropped at the end of the month. We recommend that spouse not be dropped until the divorce is final.
If you are being dropped from non-MCPS coverage due to divorce, ESS and select Benefits enrollment/changes due to qualifying life event. Log in to the Benefits Enrollment System and follow the on-screen instructions to enroll in MCPS coverage. You will need to provide proof of loss of coverage.
Update Life Insurance BeneficiaryVisit ESS and select Benefits enrollment/changes due to qualifying life event. Log in to the Benefits Enrollment System and follow the on-screen instructions to update your life insurance beneficiary(ries).
Cancel Optional Dependent LifeComplete MCPS Form 450-2: Optional Dependent Life Enrollment Form.
Send the form to the Employee and Retiree Service Center.
Update Flexible Spending Account for Dependent Care or Medical ExpensesVisit ESS and select Benefits enrollment/changes due to qualifying life event. Log in to the Benefits Enrollment System and follow the on-screen instructions to update your flexible spending account(s).
Note: Must provide a copy of divorce papers.
Retirement Benefits Provide your attorney with the Model Qualified Domestic Relations Order (PDF). The purpose of this Model is to make it easier for parties in a divorce to ensure that a Domestic Relations Order (which addresses the plan benefits of a member or former member of the MCPS Employees’ Retirement and Pension System) will be eligible for processing by MCPS.
Update Retirement System Beneficiary: State/CountyComplete MCPS Form 455-5: Designation of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries for the County and Form MSR004 for the State Retirement and Pension System of Maryland.
Send both forms to the Employee and Retiree Service Center.
Update 403(b) or 457(b) (Defined Contribution Plans) Beneficiary(ries)Log in to Fidelity NetBenefits®
Click the Profile link at the top of the page.
Select Beneficiaries and follow the on-screen instructions.
MCPS Identification CardContact MCPS Security Office, CESC, Room 207, if changing your name.
Parking RegistrationIf your work location requires parking stickers, contact your work location to provide change of personal information.
E-mail NameContact Help Desk 240-740-9000.
Note: Name must be changed in the Shared Services Center records first. ID doesn’t change, just name as it appears on mail.
OthersChange name on personal accounts: bank, investment, credit cards, Social Security, driver’s license, etc.
Keep copies of all forms. Do not send originals of any personal documents (e.g., divorce papers)