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Have You Lost Your Non-MCPS Health Coverage?

If your spouse been laid off from their job and you and your family have lost health coverage as a result, you have experienced a qualifying life event. This means you may enroll in an MCPS-provided health plan outside of Open Enrollment.

You will need to enroll in or make changes to your benefits via MCPS Hub+ within 30 days of the date of the qualifying life event. Those who do not enroll or make changes within 30 days will need to wait until a future Open Enrollment to do so. Previously, employees had up to 60 days to enroll in benefits.

To enroll in an MCPS health plan, log in to MCPS Hub+ and, under the Me tab, select Benefits. Follow detailed instructions in the Benefits Employee User Guide: Enroll New Dependents in Benefits (outside of Open Enrollment)—Current Employees.