Salary schedules provide a detailed list of MCPS salaries.
To determine your current step and salary, visit the Employee Self-Service (ESS) web page and click on the My salary information link, which you will find under the green My Pay banner. Log in and you will be directed to your current salary information. You also will find links to current salary schedules below.
1) Identify your union:
2) Identify your pay grade and step.
3) Review the salary schedule table for your employee association. Schedules for the previous three years are included:
You can find your previous salary information by visiting the ESS web page and clicking on My salary history under the green My Pay banner. Log in to access this information.
Yes. The link below provides tables listing the salary schedule for each group. They include a detailed extracurricular fee schedule. Note: New educators are placed on the salary scale according to current policies. New to MCPS? Learn how your experience translates to salary scale placement.
FY 2024 Salary Schedules (effective July 1, 2023)
FY 2025 Salary Schedules (effective July 1, 2024)
If you are an MCEA employee who received a 2 percent increase to your annual salary or hourly rate of pay on either July 1, 2012 or February 8, 2014, you are on the following off-scale steps. You will find your salary by clicking MCEA below: