Important information for employees who are retiring or resigning from MCPS
If you are resigning from MCPS
You must wait thirty (30) days before you can be reemployed with MCPS. This ensures your last paycheck and related final payments can be calculated.
You will receive notification from the Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC) with options to withdraw or rollover your MCPS employee pension plan contributions and interest.
You also will receive information from the Maryland State Teachers’ Pension and Retirement plan with your options if you are enrolled in the state plan.
You will need to keep your Designation of Beneficiary form for your pension updated with both MCPS and the Maryland State Retirement Agency if you have not cashed out your accumulated pension contributions and interest.
If you have health insurance through MCPS, your health insurance will end at the end of the month in which you resign. The only exception is for 10-month employees who resign on the last day of their work year. These employees will maintain their health insurance for three months, until September 30. You also will receive notification from Voya, the MCPS Cobra plan administrator with your options to continue your health insurance coverage.
If you are retiring from MCPS
You must wait forty-five (45) days before you can be reemployed with MCPS per State of Maryland guidelines.
Based on the applicable union contract—
All unused earned annual leave will be paid off within 45 days after your retirement date; and
If you have at least five years of MCPS experience at the end of your MCPS employment, your unused earned sick leave also will be paid off within 45 days after your retirement date.
You will need to keep your Designation of Beneficiary form if you elected to continue your life insurance benefits during retirement.
Once your employment ends
If, as a 12-month employee, you used all of your available sick and annual leave prior to your retirement or resignation you may have overused your leave. If you have negative earned leave, overused leave may be deducted from your last paycheck, your monthly retirement check, or you will be billed for the liability owed to MCPS. Please review your ePaystub carefully regarding any negative earned leave as you are financially responsible for paying back the overused leave.
You will not be able to access your MCPS Outlook account or your Google email accounts.
You will not be able to access ePaystub, tax documents and other documents from Employee Self-Service at the end of your employment. You are strongly encouraged to save any information you need prior to your last day of employment. After 30 days, you may create an account for yourself as a former employee to access your ePaystubs and tax documents. No other information can be accessed.
All unused earned annual leave will be paid off within 45 days after your resignation date; and
If you have at least five years of MCPS experience at the end of your MCPS employment, your unused earned sick leave also will be paid off within 45 days after your resignation date.
You will receive a paper copy of your last pay advice as well as the pay advice for any leave payoff in the US mail.