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Summer School 2025 focuses primarily on our high school students who need to earn credits towards graduation. Both In-person and Virtual High School Summer School Programs will be offered this year. Additional opportunities for non-credit courses may be available at local high schools. These programs all carry tuition costs for the summer. More information is available below. Registration for students in non-public schools will open on May 1, 2025. A registration form will be available at that time.
Summer programming will also be available to K-12 students who receive special education services and have qualified for Extended School Year (ESY) services and students in Title I elementary and middle schools (through the ELO-Sail program).
Who is eligible? Any MCPS (rising 9th-12th grade) high school student in need of replacing or taking original credit for graduation required courses. Students will register with their school counselors.
See your school counselor for information about registration.
Who is eligible? Any MCPS (rising 9th-12th grade) high school student in need of replacing or taking original credit for graduation required courses. Students will register with their school counselors.
See your school counselor for information about registration.
Who is eligible? This is dependent on the local school program
Extended School Year (ESY) services will be available at identified ESY sites/school locations:
Please contact your student’s case manager if you have any specific questions related to student eligibility. You may also contact the ESY coordinator via e-mail:
Extended Learning Opportunities Summer Adventures in Learning (ELO SAIL) is available to students who are future enrolled in selected Title I schools for the 2025-2026 school year. More information can be found here
Early Childhood Summer Program
MCPS will be offering an early childhood summer program at the Up County Early Childhood Center in the month of July for select students currently enrolled in Prekindergarten and Head Start by invitation only. Eligible families will be contacted directly by the PreK/Head Start Unit in the month of March.