SERT is proud to partner with Student Affairs in encouraging students to clean out their lockers, book bags, desks, and closets and donate their usable school supplies to families in need through the annual Drive for Supplies campaign. This annual effort is done in collaboration with Learn Shop, Inc., and is now in its 20th year.
End-of-the-year cleanup provides a great opportunity for schools to participate and contribute to this annual campaign. The Drive for Supplies event teaches students that they can have a direct impact on communities by donating their reusable school supplies to local, national, and international schools and organizations. It further teaches the importance of recycling and reducing solid waste.
During the 2018 campaign, 70 schools participated in the campaign and 8,805 pounds of school supplies were collected, almost double the weight collected in 2017. This year, 91 schools participated and collected 14,478 pounds of supplies. What a wonderful way to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Drive for Supplies campaign! Let's keep increasing participation in this annual event.
Get more information about the Drive for Supplies campaign