FormsStaffEducational Services → Request For Written Translations

Request For Written Translations

About this Form

Form number: 311-1

Audience:  MCPS Staff

Last revised: January 2021

Any MCPS staff member can request written translation of an MCPS document through their school/office translations site coordinator.

  1. To use the Translation Request System (TRS) the first time, an MCPS staff member needs to contact the Language Assistance Services Unit (LASU) to obtain a user name and password. Use a separate form for each project, requesting all languages on the same form. It is possible that one project is made up of more than one file. In such case, submit one form for the whole project and upload all relevant files to the TRS. To learn how to upload documents to the TRS, click here for instructions.
  2. If the material to be translated is for direct dissemination by the school or office making the request, save this completed MCPS Form 311-1 as a PDF and submit it with the original documents through TRS. Original documents must be in MS Word format (.doc or .docx), InDesign International Development Markup Language (.idml), HTML, or XML.
  3. FOR IEP TRANSLATIONS: If you are uploading a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP) for translation, please make sure to use the name of the student and the word IEP as the name of the project (ex. Martinez, Jose IEP), and save the IEP as HTML only. Also, be sure to upload the 311-1 request form along with the document and in the Information section below please provide the student's name and MCPS ID #.
  4. Written translation requests must be submitted at least 10 working days prior to the date when the translation is required for standard languages. Shorter request times cannot be honored. Turnaround times cannot be guaranteed for nonstandard languages.
  5. Written translations are limited to 1,000 words in length. Longer jobs that are subdivided will be returned for resubmission as a single document. Exceptions to the 1,000-word limitation are made for systemwide documents.

Please Note: LASU cannot translate copyrighted material, state or federal government documents, results of assessments, meeting notes,
testing materials, curriculum materials, transcripts, legal documents, personal communications,

Adobe PDF Request For Written Translations77 KEnglish

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