FormsStaffPersonnel → Final Evaluation Report: Counselor

Final Evaluation Report: Counselor

About this Form

Form number: 430-45

Audience:  MCPS Staff

Last revised: January 2023

DIRECTIONS: Evaluators complete a narrative description based on the following performance standards for school counselors. The narrative includes
information gathered from a variety of sources, including: counselor observations; evidence of contributions to overall school mission and climate;
review of data collection and analysis from the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program implementation report; review of student, staff and
parent surveys; review of professional growth plans and implementation results; and any other documents collected by the evaluator and/or counselor
during the full length of the cycle. Additional documents might include needs assessment data; sample classroom guidance lessons; counselor materials
generated to support school-wide positive behavior or character education initiatives; plans from responsive counseling groups; counselor schedules,
logs, or calendars; guidance department communications; notes from students, parents/guardians, or teachers; counselor newsletters; documentation
of teacher and/or parent/guardian consultation; and any other materials which demonstrate that standards have been met. Please see Page 2 for
directions for Completion of Final Evaluation Dates.

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