A UDL Study PLC is a group of educators focused on learning about teaching practices aligned with Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Members will focus on low and high tech strategies that make their curriculum more accessible to ALL students. The focus revolves around continued reflection and revision of teacher practices and sharing of insights and materials with each other.
Work with your school leadership to determine how a UDL study group can fit in with existing initiatives and expectations at your school. Recruit interested members to join you.
One possibility is to structure your study group around HIAT’s Suggested list of PLC study topics. Online professional reflection is a powerful tool for collaborative learning. Consider having your group work in an online forum such as Edmodo to extend the learning. HIAT maintains an UDL networking site through NING. Contact HIAT to provide your group with access.
UDL is a practical framework for all educators to engage, challenge and support all learners. The UDL Study PLC will be most effective when it includes staff from a variety of subject and specialization areas. Consider including paraeducators, specialists, and staff development teachers. UDL is not just about technology and your group should not only include staff that is the most proficient with technology. It's important that the members are committed to the group, so don't use an arbitrary method of assigning staff such as a member from every team. Membership on the team should be voluntary. We like using an application process to choose the members.
HIAT has staff surveys, applications for PLC membership, Self-reflection surveys, and a list of study topics.
For any study group to be effective, the members need to know that their work is important and valued within the mission of the school. Consider how UDL fits with the school vision and how the study group members can contribute to that. They will need: