This self-paced resource can be used as a guide for groups who want to structure some reflection and learning about UDL into their Professional Learning Communities. The topic suggestions and prompts are based on an online course that was used in Montgomery County Public Schools as the basis for preparing school teams to become leaders in UDL and implement its practices school-wide.
The target audience is K-12 schools who want to implement UDL practices into their classrooms, and who see an approach of using Professional Learning Communities as a valuable vehicle for school-wide implementation of new ideas.
MCPS employees interested in creating a PLC that focuses on Universal Design for Learning may want to consider joining our UDL Online Forums, which are similar, but provide an extra component of an online discussion group.
The study topics are divided into 15 sessions. Each session can guide a single meeting of a PLC. Some of the topics lend themselves to having groups implement a practice in the classroom first and then come together to discuss face to face. Sessions are presented in the order that they were used in a 3 credit course, but groups might use them in any order they wish.
See also some practical advice about setting up a UDL study PLC.