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Lecture/Whole Class Presentation

Embed visuals into whole class presentations. Many students will better retain information and make connections when verbal information is paired with visual information that includes text and picture supports to help with memory, attention, and engagement.

Auditory processing

Point to and emphasize visuals while you talk.
Closed captioning is an important UDL strategy and accessiblity
Youtube Video for Adding captions to teacher made Videos captioning to teacher made videos
Quick Guide Using Screen recordings for teacher and students 


Your visuals should match intended meaning of what you are saying.

Difficulty taking notes during lecture–text production

Students may benefit from teacher provided guided notes that limit the amount that needs to be typed or written.
Quick Quides
Scaffolding note-taking
Voice notes to support reading note-taking and reading comprehension

Difficulty taking notes during lecture–writing and listening at the same time

Use digital recording pens, such as the LiveScribe for students with adequate abilities.
Quick Guides
Livescribe Pen: Recording lectures while note-taking
Voice notes to support reading note-taking and reading comprehension