Best Practices for Transitioning Staff – Summer Ordering
Cutoff Dates for Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget Expenditures Memo - Coming Soon!
Fiscal Year 2026 Summer Warehouse Store Ordering Memo - Coming Soon!
Fiscal Year 2026 Surplus Memo - Coming Soon!
Guidelines for Organizing and Distributing Warehouse Store Summer Deliveries
Warehouse Wednesday Summer Support Sessions Presentation
Business Hub+ Create a Shopping List Quick Video
BusinessHub+ Shopping List with Jane
Quick Guide Chart of Accounts in the Business Hub+
Quick Guide for Shopping Lists
Blue Bag Postage is now charged automatically to your school's account through the Hub!
Get COLOR COPIES for instructional materials!
Summer Ordering Checklist: Best Practices for Schools
See when we will be at your location for a summer pick-up: Summer 2025 Surplus Pickup Schedule
Acceptable items: AV Equipment, Furniture, Shredding, and Ink or Toner to be recycled
Unacceptable items: Air Filters, Burnishers, Bulbs or Ballasts, Ceiling Tile, Construction Materials, Floor Stripper, Floor Tile, Lumber, Paint, Pianos, Propane Cylinders, PPE, Trash, Tires, Scrubbers, and Wax
Warehouse Store Catalog (Excel version).
Quick guide for working with the warehouse store catalog- New
Copier/Fax Annual Maintenance, Service and Supplies
Cox Subscriptions for magazines and periodicals
Department of Procurement Staff List
Textbooks, Reading and Instructional Materials
Apply for access to the Business Hub+
Chart of Accounts on the Business Hub+
Department of Materials Management
Department of Materials Management Media Processing Unit