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RECYCLE lettersGrass

SERT InformationRecycling Within Montgomery County Public Schools.  Please note that books (including paperbacks, textbooks, spiral books, composition books, and hardbacks) can be recycled at the school level.


Recycle Inkjet Cartridges

The Department of Materials Management will recycle both color and black inkjet printer cartridges.Simply follow these easy recycling instructions:

  • Collect used inkjet cartridges (color and black).
  • Email us at to request recycling labels.
  • Place each cartridge in a sealed ziploc bag.
  • Place bags in a small cardboard box.
  • Attach a DMM Inkjet Recycling Label to the outside of the box.
  • PONY the box to the DMM Warehouse.

Order Recycled (Remanufactured) Ink and Toner 

To recycle used toner cartridges, simply pack them up, mark "Warehouse - Recycle" on the box, and send through the Pony.

Recycling Other Items

Be sure to visit the School Energy & Recycling Team site for information on many recycling opportunities.

  • Batteries. You may send small, rechargeable batteries (e.g., NiCd, Li, and Lead-acid batteries found in radios, laptops, cell phones, etc.) that are sealed, intact and have no leaks. Send through the Pony to Richard Benjamin, SERT, Department of Facilities Management. Not sure if your batteries are recyclable? Email Recycling for assistance.
  • Drive for Supplies. This Learn Shop, Inc. program encourages students to donate used, but usable, school supplies. Please contact the SERT team for more information using the link above.