Our surplus inventory consists of gently used furniture that comes from our schools and is constantly changing. We deliver to you automatically should the items requested become available. Requests are kept on file for one calendar year. Please note this form is not to be used for replacement of old furniture. DMM Surplus Furniture Request Form
Prior to submitting a surplus request, be sure to check with everyone in your school who may have surplus for pickup (media center, building services, etc.). Note that requests may only be submitted by an administrator, administrative secretary, building service manager, business administrator or financial specialist. Surplus furniture and equipment pickups are done automatically during the summer months.
The window for surplus pick up will be Tuesday, July 1, 2025 through Friday, August 15, 2025. Surplus furniture and equipment must be ready for pick up prior to the school’s pick up week.
Acceptable items: AV Equipment, Furniture, Shredding, and Ink or Toner to be recycled
Unacceptable items: Air Filters, Burnishers, Bulbs or Ballasts, Ceiling Tile, Construction Materials, Floor Stripper, Floor Tile, Lumber, Paint, Pianos, Propane Cylinders, PPE, Trash, Tires, Scrubbers, and Wax