The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) released The Educator Application and Credentialing Hub (TEACH) educator platform in April 2022, replacing the former Educator Information System (EIS).
Professionally contracted and licensed MCPS educators (teachers, specialists, and administrators) must work directly with the MCPS Certification Unit regarding ALL licensure matters, questions, changes, or additions to their Maryland credential. The MCPS certification unit is MSDE for MCPS educators. Please do not complete any TEACH applications unless the MCPS certification unit has instructed you to do so. The unit uses its TEACH access to take care of MCPS educators records, including…
Issue a new credential
Renew or advance an unexpired credential
Reinstate or advance an expired credential
Add an endorsement to an active credential
Remove an endorsement on an active credential (if eligible)
Update personal information, such as an email address
Update employment history
Update testing history
Update education history and/or the degree showing on the credential
ALL MARYLAND EDUCATORS must complete a one-time registration in TEACH in order to connect to their existing official TEACH account. If you do not know your demographic information in TEACH, contact with the subject, TEACH Login Information Needed. A response will be sent within 24-48 hours.
We strongly recommend that you OPEN and USE the step-by-step GUIDES we’ve created to help you with the application process in TEACH and to avoid missteps, duplications, and unnecessary document uploads. TEACH is not intuitive and has many new pages and fields. If you follow our guides, the process will be straightforward and simple.
MCPS TEACH Application Overview - Keep a copy of this guide for reference to know if and when an application is necessary.
These are additional MSDE requirements that you have completed. Ancillary reading indicates the number of reading credits you have completed via coursework, and/or reading testing completed. Ancillary special education indicates that you have completed a course in special education. This does not mean you are certified in reading or special education. Science of Reading indicates that you have completed one of the options to satisfy this requirement.
Once MCPS issues or updates your educator credential, you can view and download a digital copy from your TEACH dashboard.
Log into your TEACH account:
Scroll down to the following items:
Credential – your MD certificate/license
Education – your transcripts (added after May 2022)
Continuing Education – CPD credits (added after May 2022)
Click the plus sign to open Credential
Click on Preview to open the credential
Scroll down and click on the download PDF, email PDF, or OK to close the preview. We suggest downloading or emailing yourself a PDF in your records since it also includes the new licensure renewal requirements.
Once MCPS issues your new, renewed, or reinstated educator credential, you can pay the invoice from your TEACH dashboard. Paying online gives you immediate access to your credential. Paid = Active Credential = Licensed
NOTE: Until TEACH is updated to send reminders when an invoice is due, educators must be very diligent to look for this notification and take care of the invoice payment immediately.
Log into your TEACH account:
Scroll right to Payment Details (example below) to pay the invoice so that your certificate will be active. Click the red Pay Invoice button and follow the steps. You will get a confirmation email when you’ve successfully paid.
Once you have successfully paid the invoice, see “Where can I download my digital educator credential?” for those steps.
For transcripts or courses that MCPS uploads to your records since May 2022, you will be able to access a digital copy from your MSDE TEACH dashboard.
Log into your TEACH account:
Scroll down to the following items:
Credential – your MD certificate/license
Education – your transcripts (added after May 2022)
Continuing Education – CPD credits (added after May 2022)
Click the plus sign to open Education to see any official transcripts added after May 2022. If applicable, you can click on the link to the document to download or print one for your own records.
Click the plus sign to open Continuing Education to see these types of documents added after May 2022. If applicable, you can click on the link to the document to download or print one for your own records.