Policy ACF, Sexual Misconduct and Sex-Based Harassment of Students
On October 21, 2024, the Montgomery County Board of Education amended Policy ACF, Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment of Students, with technical updates needed to comply with updated federal law and to change the title to Policy ACF, Sexual Misconduct and Sex-based Harassment of Students.
Regulation COA-RC, Responding to Reportable Offenses by Students
On November 21, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation COA-RC, Responding to Reportable Offenses by Students, is a new regulation created to define "reportable offenses" and put forward necessary MCPS and local school actions related to planning for educational programs and safety when an MCPS student is facing community-based charges.
The regulation complies with the Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.08.01.17, approved for the 2024-2025 school year by the Maryland State Board of Education. The updated COMAR responds to concerns by the Maryland General Assembly about the purported misuse or overuse of school removals for students arrested for reportable offenses. As a result, Maryland law and implementing regulations were updated as follows:
Regulation IOE-RB, Home and Hospital Teaching
On March 11, 2025, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation IOE-RB, Home and Hospital Teaching, was updated to replace “school days” with “calendar days” to align with the terminology specified in Maryland Code of Regulations 13A.03.05.04.
Regulation KBA-RA, Public Information
On December 23, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation KBA-RA, Public Information, was revised to define public information and implement Board Policy KBA, Policy on Public Information. Updated procedures support MCPS' efforts to communicate accurate and consistent information to the MCPS community, particularly in complex situations or crises.
Regulation GMG-RA, Tuition Reimbursement
On December 2, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation GMG-RA, Tuition Reimbursement, was revised to align with negotiated agreements, clarify documentation requirements for credit-bearing courses graded on a pass/fail basis, and establish the requirement to remain within budget-allocated funding each fiscal year.
Regulation JEE-RA, Student Transfers and Administrative Placements
On November 21, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation JEE-RA, Student Transfers and Administrative Placements, was revised to redact sections that formerly contained reportable offense information. This information is now contained Regulation COA-RC, Responding to Reportable Offenses by Students.
Regulation JEA-RD, Enrollment of Students Experiencing Homelessness
On November 6, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation JEA-RD, Enrollment of Homeless Students, was retitled “Enrollment of Students Experiencing Homelessness” and revised to align with updated Code of Maryland Regulations, and clarify and bring consistency to related enrollment and residency appeal procedures.
Regulation GEH-RA, Teleworking
On October 23, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation GEH-RA, Teleworking, was revised to update guidance on the conditions, responsibilities, and approval processes for teleworking in MCPS.
The draft revisions are designed to balance the operational needs of our school system, the professional growth and well-being of our employees, and the fostering of strong relationships that enhance our effectiveness. Draft revisions further recognize that telework –
Regulation IIB-RA, Evaluation and Selection of Instructional and Library Materials
On September 5, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation IIB-RA, Evaluation and Selection of Instructional Materials and Library Books, was revised to change the name to Regulation IIB-RA, Evaluation and Selection of Instructional and Library Materials. Updates reflect current practice for the evaluation and selection of core and supplemental and library materials, revise language to reflect current formats (e.g., removes dated references to CD-ROMs), redact obsolete language regarding instructional materials for the health education curriculum that are now addressed in their own regulation consistent with Maryland regulations, and clarify existing practices and criteria for evaluating, selecting, and reconsidering materials upon a request, consistent with updated Annotated Code of Maryland Education.
Regulation COA-RB, Registered Sexual Offenders on MCPS Property
On August 27, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation COA-RB, Registered Sex Offenders Presence on School Property, was revised to change the name to Regulation COA-RB, Registered Sexual Offenders on MCPS Property, and to implement new requirements in response to Maryland Assembly House Bill 814, which was effective as of June 1, 2024.
Regulation GID-RA, Transfer of Sick Leave within the Maryland Public School System
On August 27, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation GID-RA, Transfer of Sick Leave within the Maryland Public School System, was revised to establish updated guidance for paying out sick leave from another Maryland public school system upon a MCPS employee’s separation from MCPS. The revision clarifies existing procedures to state that upon separation from MCPS employment, MCPS does not pay out leave transferred from another employer.
Regulation ECB-RA, Keys and Access Control System Badges for MCPS Properties
On August 22, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation ECB-RA, Keys to School Buildings, was revised to establish guidance for distributing, replacing, and revoking school and other facility keys and Access Control System (ACS) badges. The revisions change the title to “Keys and Access Control System Badges for MCPS Properties,” establish procedures for ACS badges, specify conditions under which keys and ACS badges just be turned in, and permit the chief of the Office of District Operations/designee to assess reasonable fees to unit members for repeated loss of keys.
Regulation IKA-RA, Grading and Reporting
On August 22, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation IKA-RA, Grading and Reporting was revised to clarify existing practices and reduce variance in the implementation of the “50 Percent Rule” and the assignment of zeros to student work.
Regulation JEB-RA, Placement, Promotion, Acceleration, and Retention of Students
On August 22, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation JEB-RA, Placement, Promotion, Acceleration, and Retention of Students, was revised to clarify existing practices for conditions under which the responsibility for grade and course level placement resides with the local school principal, and when such responsibility resides with IAE or OSE.
Regulation DJA-RA, Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, and Services
On August 20, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation DJA-RA, Procurement of Equipment, Supplies, and Services, was revised to codify procedures now in the Financial Manual and associated forms regarding contractors’ requirements not the hire sex offender for work on MCPS property.
Regulation GCA-RA, Employee Conflict of Interest
On August 15, 2024, the Montgomery County Public Schools Regulation GCA-RA, Employee Conflict of Interest, was revised to address January 8, 2024 recommendations of the Montgomery County, Maryland Office of the Inspector General (OIG). OIG recommended that MCPS establish requirements mandating that anyone serving in a leadership position disclose to their supervisor any previous romantic and/or sexual relationships with employees within their supervisory chain. OIG recommendations, the regulation was revised to strengthen requirements that employees fully cooperate and provide complete and truthful information when questioned as subjects and witnesses as part of an investigation.