NBC Coordinator
NBC Support
MCEA Liaison for NBC Courses and Course Facilitators
NBC Project Manager
Blueprint Eligible Job Codes in MCPS
MCPS March - May Information Sessions
MCEA Summer Jump Start 2025 (TBD by May 2025)
NBC Support at Higher Education Institutes
Tuition Reimbursement for University programs
Initial Candidate Resource Board
Continuing Candidate Resource Board
Maintenance of Certificate Resource Board
National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) must renew their certificate every 5 years (10 years for some teachers who certified in the past).
Submit one ePortfolio to NBPTS called MOC. MOC costs $495 plus a $75 registration fee. Candidates can work on MOC the last year or the year before the certificate expires.
Blueprint for Maryland's Future legislation increases emphasis on NBC by expressing the desire for:
All teachers to hold NBC and providing salary supplements
All Administrators, including Principals, to hold or to be working toward achieving NBC.
Teachers and leaders who wish to move up the Career Ladder to either hold or be working toward NBC.
If you allow your NBC to lapse, you will need to start the process again as an initial candidate.
The primary goal of NNOD is to increase the diversity of National Board Certified Teachers in MCPS.