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For Students

SSL Guidelines

  • May begin earning student service learning (SSL) hours toward the 75-hour graduation requirement the summer after completing Grade 5. Hours are accrued throughout high school
  • Must address a specific community need or issue through direct, indirect, or advocacy service
  • Must contain explicit instruction in service-learning; cover the SSL phases of Preparation, Action, and Reflection; and meet the Maryland Seven Best Practices of Student Service Learning 
  • May receive a maximum of 8 SSL hours in any 24-hour period earned outside of the instructional school day.

  • Must participate in community opportunities that are MCPS SSL organizations if SSL hours are desired from community involvement:

  • May receive SSL hours for involvement in campaigns of individuals running for public office with the granting of MCPS Form 560-50. Request must be pre-approved in advance of the public service.

  • Must perform service under the supervision on an adult representing an MCPS SSL nonprofit tax-exempt organization. The exception is prior approval of MCPS Form 560-50, Individual Student Service Learning Request, for direct service to residents/patients in for-profit nursing homes, and assisted living facilities.

  • May be recognized for exceptional service in middle school by having documented 75 hours (graduation requirement) by the first Friday in April. (Superintendent's Student Service Learning Award.)

  • May be recognized for exceptional service in senior year by having documented 240 or more hours of service by the first Friday of April. (Certificate of Meritorious Service from MSDE and MCPS and a purple tassel to wear at graduation services.)

  • Must verify service-learning experiences using MCPS Form 560-51 Student Service Learning Activity Verification, and submit it to the school-based SSL coordinator according to the following timelines:

    • the last Friday in September for service completed during the summer;
    • the first Friday in January for service completed during the summer and first semester;
    • the first Friday in June for service completed during the summer, first semester, and second semester.

    All SSL Forms for service completed any time during the current school year and the summer before the current school year are REQUIRED to be submitted to the school SSL coordinator no later than the first Friday in June.