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Student Leadership

Featured Programs

Student Government

Students collaborate with others across schools to address and raise issues with staff members countywide and in their school community.

County-wide SGAs

Middle School (MCJC SGA)High School (MCR‑SGA)

School SGA Advisors

Middle School High School

Student Member of the Board (SMOB)

The SMOB is an elected official who can vote on issues such as administrative appointments (including hiring the Superintendent of Schools), policy, and the Board of Education's legislative platform.

MoCo EmpowHER

MoCo EmpowHer provides leadership development opportunities for young women, opportunities for female leaders to explore various career options, and advocacy networks for female leaders. This group is inclusive of all students, regardless of sex or gender identity.

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Current MCPS Opportunities & Events

MoCo Pride Youth

MoCo Pride Youth was founded in 2019 by a group of high school and middle school students across Montgomery County and serves as a home to connect, learn, and advocate for the LGBTQIA+ student community.

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Seasonal Opportunities

Drive for Supplies (July)

At the end of the school year, students across MCPS donate their reusable school supplies. Student volunteers unpack, sort, and repackage all the donated supplies for distribution at this annual event.

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Maryland General Assembly Page Program (Late September - October)

Student pages are selected each year from across the State to represent their schools and counties in Annapolis. Each selected page will serve two nonconsecutive weeks in the State Senate or the House of Delegates.

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Choose Respect PSA (October - February) and RespectFEST (April)

RespectFEST is an annual event where students learn and discuss dating violence prevention. Before the event, students may submit dating violence awareness videos to the Choose Respect PSA contest.

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B.O.L.T. Leadership Academy (November - February)

9th and 10th-grade MCPS students learn about leadership, advocacy, and more in this multi-month leadership academy. By the end of the program, students will have worked on and presented a passion project that serves their community.

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Speak Up, Save a Life PSA (October - January)

Create a PSA video individually or with a group to bring awareness to the dangers of fentanyl and opioid abuse and attend the Save a Student Summit in January to get trained in administering Narcan!

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Next Generation Leadership Day (January - March)

Middle and high school students prepare leadership workshops for 4th and 5th-grade MCPS students to further develop elementary schoolers' leadership abilities. Student mentors then present these presentations to elementary school students.

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Contact Us

Mrs. Shella B. Cherry, Director, Student Leadership and Extracurricular Activities

Mrs. Donna Kleffman, Coordinator

Ms. Michelle Dean, Instructional Specialist

Mrs. Ruth Figueroa, Administrative Secretary

850 Hungerford Drive, Suite 174
Rockville, MD 20850
Fax: 301-517-8166

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