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Student Leadership → Student Member of the Board Candidates

Student Member of the Board Candidates

The information below concerns the selected final two candidates running for the position of student member of the Montgomery County Board of Education (SMOB).

The SMOB will provide an informed student viewpoint on educational issues, may author legislation, may participate in discussions on all topics, and has voting rights on certain issues.  The position is unpaid; however, the SMOB will earn social studies credit, a minimum of 250 hours of Student Service Learning Hours (SSL), and receive a $5,000 college scholarship after serving a full term. 

To be eligible to run for the position, students must live in Montgomery County and be enrolled as a sophomore or junior at a high school in Montgomery County Public Schools.  The final two candidates selected at the March 11, 2015, SMOB Nominating Convention, are Rachit Agarwal and Eric L. Guerci.

ArgawalRachit Argawal is a Grade 11 student at Richard Montgomery High School and participates in the International Baccalaureate Program. He currently serves as the Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association (SGA) Technology Deputy and the SMOB Advisory Council Chief of Technology. He also served as the Richard Montgomery High School Distributive Education Clubs of America Co-President and a Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership delegate.

Guerci Eric L. Guerci is a Grade 10 student at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. He currently serves as the Montgomery County Regional SGA Vice President. He also served as the Montgomery County Regional SGA Finance Committee CHair and the SMOT Advisory Council Senior Policy Advisor.

Both candidates are knowledgeable, personable, and have significant experience in various school-based and countywide student leadership activities. Montgomery County students will be well represented by the election of either candidate.