SSL Information and Updates
Check out these important SSL Announcements to learn more about SSL opportunities, documentation, and how to stay up to date on your SSL record and activity.
The Safe Schools Maryland Tip Line is an anonymous 24/7 reporting system used to report threats to the safety and/or well-being of students.
Check out these important SSL Announcements to learn more about SSL opportunities, documentation, and how to stay up to date on your SSL record and activity.
The “Show Us Your Hope” TV special features MCPS students presenting original pieces of music, art, poetry and other literary works and presentations. The one-hour show is now available on the MCPS YouTube channel.
The 2022 Summer RISE program will begin taking applications for this unique career-based learning experience. Read more to learn how to apply.
The Maryland Center for School Safety (MCSS) has released its application for students interested in joining its Student Focus Group starting in July 2022.
Attention Middle and High School Students! Are you looking for an opportunity to display your creativity? Would you like to win up to $1,000? The Choose Respect video contest is now OPEN! Create an original 50-70 second video to promote awareness of dating abuse and domestic violence among teens. For more information read here.
The MCPS Systemwide Athletics Unit has several updates. Continue reading for more information.
MCPS is holding upcoming information sessions on its Electrical Youth Apprenticeship Program, which will enable students to enter the workforce while in high school, earn a salary and gain valuable industry skills. To learn more read on.
The SMOB Nominating Convention will be held on February 16, 2022 to select the two finalists for the 45th SMOB election in April.
Starting Feb. 1, The Montgomery County Department of Transportation is hosting a “Heads Up, Phones Down” contest for students to help educate others about pedestrian safety. Read more on how to participate, SSL hours, and prizes.
Montgomery County Public Schools is hosting COVID-19 vaccination clinics in schools across the district.
One significant mitigation tactic in Montgomery County Public Schools is random COVID-19 screening tests and rapid testing across grades. MCPS, in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health, is offering COVID tests to students at no cost. Testing requires parent permission, so "Say Yes to the Test".
The Montgomery County Junior Council Student Government Association (MCJC-SGA) Finance Department will be hosting a financial literacy workshop on February 8, 2022 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. This is a learning and SSL opportunity. To learn more and RSVP read here.
LEAAP of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is offering $2,000 scholarships to graduating MCPS high school seniors.
Students are encouraged to read up on Board of Education policies that impact students Student comments are being sought regarding proposed changes to Board policies on Student Discipline and Energy Conservation and a future Board policy discussion will be held on Naming School Facilities. Read more about each.
Interested in the MPCS Sustainability work centered on climate action? Check out the updates on the MCPS Sustainability Policy draft, Expanding Solar in MCPS, and the Montgomery County Government Climate Internship.