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Web Communications: Best practices, writing for the web, expectations

The Role of the Webmaster

Webmasters are communicators

  • The main goal of a website is to communicate
  • Websites should focus on key messages
  • Webmasters should know their audience(s)
  • Technology is secondary and always changing

Adapted from “Writing for the Wired World,” by Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan Library.

Successful webmasters are plugged in

  • What does your school/office need to communicate?
  • What does your community/audience need to know?
  • Administration buy-in is key

Webmasters are communicators… but the web is not like print

  • People don’t really read online, they scan
  • Expectation is that information is up-to-date and accurate
  • Web is available 24/7

Webmaster responsibilities

Webmasters are responsible for the integrity and professionalism of the content on a website, among other things. Read more about what is expected of webmasters 

Improving Your Web Content

5 tips to improve Web writing

  • Use simple, short words (e.g. instead of "facilitate" use "help")
  • Use active voice.
  • Avoid jargon.
  • Use bulleted lists in place of paragraphs.
  • Use simple language

Adapted from “Writing for the Wired World,” by Darlene Fichter, Data Library Coordinator, University of Saskatchewan Library.

Links are what drives the web… but they can be distracting

5 tips for better Web site

  • Delete old pages, files, images
  • Keep it simple – avoid flashy graphics, scrolling headlines, etc.
    “Text rules on the PC screen -- both in order viewed and in overall time spent looking at it.” (Eyetrack III Study) 
  • Make all critical information easy to scan