Each school serves a particular community. To determine the school that serves a specific address, use the School Assignment Tool.
The School Directory provides contact information, links to the school web site, environment survey data, and facts regarding enrollment, budget, and facilities.
Registration takes place at your local school. Registration can take place at any point during the school year, but it is advisable to call ahead and make an appointment.
The Division of Capital Planning is responsible for school boundaries.
Find Prekindergarten and Kindergarten age requirements for the current school year on the Age & Attendance Requirements page.
Proof of identity includes a birth certificate, passport, hospital certificate, and/or other legal or notarized identification.
According to Maryland law, every child between the ages of 5 and 17 must attend school.
State law allows for three exemptions for Kindergarten: immaturity, attendance in a licensed child-care center, or attendance at a registered family daycare.
State of Maryland vaccine requirements vary by age. The requirements are listed on the Maryland Department of Health & Mental Hygiene's website.