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Age and Attendance Requirements
2025-2026 School Year


Children age 5 by September 1, 2025, and not age 21 on the first day of school are eligible for enrollment in MCPS for the 2025-2026 school year.

  • Prekindergarten, age 4 by September 1
  • Kindergarten, age 5 by September 1
  • First grade, age 6 by September 1

Early Entrance to Kindergarten (EEK)

On March 14, 2006, the Board of Education for Montgomery County Public Schools approved the adoption of Policy JEB, Early Entrance to Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade. This policy provides for a six-week period beyond the admission dates prescribed by state law for consideration for early admission to prekindergarten and kindergarten.

Details about Early Entrance Requirements can be found on the Early Childhood page.

Parents who seek early entrance consideration should inquire at their home schools, and complete an EEK Application — MCPS Form 271-6, Application for Early Entrance-Kindergarten Program (PDF) — and parent checklist. The completed forms should be submitted to their home school and an appointment requested for EEK screening during the school's selected Kindergarten Orientation Session.


According to Maryland law (7-301: Compulsory Attendance), every child 5 years old or older and under 18 must attend school. All children who will be 5 years old by September 1 of any given year must attend school in either a licensed private or public school Kindergarten that year. Maryland recognizes home instruction as an alternative to public school enrollment as a means of meeting the compulsory school attendance law (more on home schooling).

For kindergarten-eligible students, state law allows for three exceptions to the attendance requirement: for immaturity; for attendance in a licensed child-care center; or for attendance in a registered family day-care home. Parents or guardians who want an exemption to the law for their kindergarten-eligible child must complete MCPS Form 560-19, Exemption to Kindergarten Attendance at their local school prior to the first day of school. Questions about this process should be directed to the local school or to the Division of Early Childhood Programs and Services at 240-740-4530.