Today, on United Nations International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we ask you to join us in reflection and rededication to our commitments to respect one another and recognize the humanity in all people.
As incidents of anti-Semitism have continued to rise across the nation, including here in Montgomery County, we realize that many of you may know of specific occurrences and may be witnessing or experiencing anti-Semitism in your lives. At MCPS, we constantly remind ourselves that education is a large part of the answer to stemming this tide, and we continue to model and teach our children.
But we cannot do it alone. We need all community groups, the churches and the synagogues, the families and organizations, the private sector and the public sector, to step up with us in teaching about the Holocaust so that tragedy is not repeated. Please continue to have urgent, open and honest conversations about difficult histories today—and every day.
Never forget.