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Pompons Showcase Their Moves, and Other Good News

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Teams from all 25 MCPS high schools cheered, jumped and danced through the 27th annual Pompons competition on Feb. 3 at Montgomery Blair High School. The competition showcased the talent of the squads, and gave fans an opportunity to cheer on and support the Pompons.

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Winners of the competition were:

Division I

First Place: Sherwood
Second Place: Damascus
Third Place: James Hubert Blake
Spirit Award: Bethesda-Chevy Chase

Division II

First Place: Northwest
Second Place: Clarksburg
Third Place: Thomas S. Wootton
Spirit Award: Wheaton

Division III

First Place: Seneca Valley
Second Place: Rockville
Third Place: Northwood
Spirit Award: Montgomery Blair

Check out a photo gallery from the event.

Montgomery Police Chief Reads to Children at Fairland ES

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Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones was a guest reader at Fairland Elementary School in Silver Spring during Black History Month. He spent time with about 100 second graders during his visit.

Springbrook Students Teach Coding to Burnt Mill Elementary Students

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The Microbits Masters Program brought MCPS high school computer science students to elementary schools to teach them coding and robotics. Watch video and check out the photos.

Lunar New Year Dinner Raises Thousands for Student Scholarships

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More than $16,000 was raised at the Lunar New Year scholarship dinner at Hong Kong Pearl Seafood Restaurant on Feb. 8. The dinner, presented by the League of Educators for Asian American Progress (LEAAP), is a scholarship fundraiser for Asian Pacific American high school seniors interested in pursuing a degree in education. More photos

Richard Montgomery Senior Selected for U.S. Senate Youth Program

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Richard Montgomery High School senior Angelina Xu will represent Maryland during the U.S. Senate Youth Program Washington Week in March. Xu, who currently serves as the president of the Maryland Association of Student Councils, was selected from among the state’s top student leaders to be part of the 104-student delegation. 

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