WE Schools Offering SSL Workshop for Staff, and Other SSL News

Are you interested in engaging your students in service learning? Do you see a community need that you, students and your school community can address together?
MCPS is partnering with Education+/WE Schools to host an hourlong virtual service-learning workshop for elementary, middle and high school staff to learn more about free resources and materials available for creating school-hosted SSL opportunities for students. If you are interested in hosting service projects with your class, club, team, grade level or entire school, consider registering for this workshop, and please share this flyer and the details below with other staff members who may be interested.
The course will be offered on Zoom from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 18 (course #92457) in Professional Development Online (PDO).
In other SSL-related news, MCPS students must earn a total of 75 Student Service Learning (SSL) hours to graduate from high school.
To earn the High School Certificate of Meritorious Service (for seniors who have 240 or more documented SSL hours) or the MS Superintendent’s SSL Award (for any middle school student who has completed the 75-hour SSL graduation requirement for the first time), students must submit all SSL forms (MCPS Form 560-51) to their school’s SSL coordinator by Friday, April 5. All other SSL forms should be submitted on a rolling basis, but no later than Friday, May 31.
The deadline for submitting SSL forms documenting hours for the SSL Awards is Friday, April 5.
Spring break is a great time for students to get involved in service activities and earn SSL hours.