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How to Hack Happiness

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Do you want more happiness in your life? Meet the fabulous four: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. The April webinar will dive deep into health and science to help you understand how these four hormones can improve your mood and how you can help your body increase their levels naturally. The webinar will be held from 4:30–5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17.

Register for the webinar by emailing Well Aware. You will receive a link in your Outlook email and an Outlook calendar reminder.

Check out past webinars in the Wellness Webinar Library.

April Wellness Newsletter: Coming Friday, April 5

In this month’s issue of Well Aware eNews, you will meet an elementary guidance counselor who has gone above and beyond to plan wellness programs that encourage her coworkers to live healthy lives. You will also—

  • Get an update on the Reach the Beach physical activity challenge.
  • Learn about National Cancer Control Month.
  • Pick up information on the American Cancer Society’s Move More Month and National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day.
  • Read about the Well Aware/Employee Assistance Program Connection’s Stress Awareness Month.