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Long-term Leave


There are a number of reasons why a Montgomery County Public Schools employee might need to take a long-term leave of absence. Whether expecting a child, facing a serious illness, or caring for a sick family member, long-term leave is an important part of your benefits package.

Employees who request a leave of absence for more than 60 duty days are placed on long-term leave. There are several leave types—with varying requirements—for employees who need to be absent from their position for 60 days or more. The long-term leave request process for each type begins with an application.

How to Apply for Long-term Leave

To apply for long-term leave, an employee will need to complete MCPS Form 430-1, Leave Request and upload it to Hub+. If the leave is related to maternity/paternity, personal or family illness, or Worker’s Compensation, MCPS Form 440-35, Certification of Physician or Health Care Provider must be completed and submitted to the Employee and Retiree Service Center (ERSC) via ERSC Connect. An employee placed on long-term leave is not required to obtain their principal’s or supervisor’s signature on the forms since they are asking to extend an already existing period of leave.

There are deadlines for non-medical leaves of absence. Some of these are application deadlines, others are deadlines for those already on long-term leave to state their intentions for the following school year:

April 1 is the deadline—

  • for employees already on long-term child care leave until the end of the school year to extend the leave into the following school year;
  • for employees already on a long-term, non-medical leave of absence who receive the spring mailing to submit their intentions for the following school year;
  • to apply for professional improvement leave after three years of service;
  • to apply for overseas teaching leave; and
  • for MCEA members to apply for long-term personal leave.

July 15 is the deadline—

  • to apply for professional improvement leave after one year of service;
  • to apply for unusual or imperative leave without pay;
  • for those who work until the last day of school to request child care leave for the next school year; and
  • for MCEA members to request long-term family leave for the next school year.

How Benefits Are Impacted by Long-term Leave

The cost of benefits for employees who are on a paid, long-term leave of absence remains at the employee rate.

The insurance benefits and pension deductions of employees who return to work after a period of unpaid leave before the 60th duty day will be in arrearages. Their first paycheck after returning to work will include the deductions in arrearages (three prior pay periods) plus the current pay period. The deductions will be taken from each paycheck until paid in full.

Employees who are on unpaid, long-term leave will be billed monthly for their insurance benefits at full cost (100 percent). See the current rate chart.

Employees who choose to cancel their insurance will need to submit MCPS Form 455-20, Employee Benefit Plan Enrollment to ERSC prior to the 20th of the month in order for the insurance to be canceled at the end of the month.

When returning to work, employees will need to submit MCPS Form 455-20, Employee Benefit Plan Enrollment, within 30 days of their return-to-work date to re-enroll in the insurance benefits they had prior to their leave.

Returning to Work After Long-term Leave

Depending on the type of leave you are on, you may be required to submit a Return to Work Evaluation form. These forms provide a way for a physician or health care practitioner to state whether or not the employee is able to return to work. Following are links to the Return to Work Evaluation forms, if required:

Employees returning to work after more than 60 duty days will be placed on priority placement. The staffing unit in the Department of Human Capital Management will contact these employees regarding their assignment.

Learn More

For detailed information on the most common leave types for which long-term leave is requested, visit the following:

ERSC Connect Knowledge Base—Here you will find articles on Child Care, Personal Illness, and Illness in Family leave, among other leave topics.

  • Log in to ERSC Connect using your MCPS username and password.
  • Click the red Knowledge link on the ERSC Connect welcome screen.
  • Type “Leave” in the Search box and hit enter.
  • Select from the articles that appear.

ERSC Leave Web Page—On this screen, under Long-term Leaves of Absence, you will find links to additional leave types. These links will take you to Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) for each type of leave listed.

MCPS Form 430-1, Leave Request—This form, which is submitted when applying for long-term leave, includes a list of long-term leave types and the application requirements for each.