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Attendance Matters: First Quarter Absences and Half Days Ahead


In addition to reviewing academic progress, MCPS is encouraging parents/caregivers to please make note of the number of absences your student had during the first quarter. 

A student is considered chronically absent if they are absent 10 percent or more (5 days during the first quarter) of the days they are enrolled. Please make every effort to send your child(ren) to school every day. If you have any barriers to sending your child(ren) to school, reach out to a trusted staff member at your school. They are there to help.

This is also a reminder for caregivers that half days like Monday Nov. 20 and Tuesday Nov. 21 are instructional days for all MCPS students. Important teaching and learning will occur on both days, and those days are a great opportunity for students to engage with their peers before the 5-day Thanksgiving holiday. Every day of school attendance is important.

Please make every effort to ensure that your children attend each of these two half-days on time. 

Montgomery County Public Schools

Read the MCPS Attendance Action Plan.