End of Course Exam Reminder and Update on the Grading and Reporting Regulation

As a reminder, the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP) End of Course (EOC) exams for science and government will count as 20 percent of the final grade for ninth grade students (Class of 2027) in their respective high school level biology and government (NSL) courses. This is due to changes to high school graduation requirements issued by the Maryland State Department of Education.
The 20 percent will be calculated into the student’s semester B course final grade. Students are not required to pass the EOC exams to graduate but must pass the course to earn the credit needed for graduation. The requirement does not apply to students currently in any other grade levels or students taking Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate level biology and government courses. Please visit this website for more information.
Currently, there are no changes in the regulation to the 50 percent rule. Revisions have been made to Regulation IKA-RA, Grading and Reporting to include the updated requirements for End-of-Course exams and practices that notify students about missing assignments and opportunities for reassessment. Please visit this website to read the revised Regulation IKA-RA.