MLK Week of Service Jan. 13-21

MCPS annually recognizes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) with a week of service projects and acts of kindness in schools from Jan. 13-21, 2024.
All schools are encouraged to host one of the following service experiences:
- School teachers/staff lead their students through the MCPS Student Service Learning (SSL) districtwide “WE Embrace Well-Being” opportunity as a class or group, and/or
- School teachers/staff host a schoolwide or classwide service event, collaborate with the school’s Parent, Teacher, Student Association to host a service event, invite a local non-profit organization to support your school service event or allow a school club or organization to lead the effort.
Any MCPS staff member may host a service project for students during the MLK Week of Service. Some secondary school-hosted service projects may be eligible to award SSL hours for secondary school students if the project follows the MCPS SSL guidelines for a state graduation requirement. For any service projects completed during the school day or virtually/remotely, secondary school staff should complete and submit MCPS Form 560-59 to for review and approval.
The MLK Week of Service memo and planning documents may be found in this Google folder. Included are:
- Planning tool and timeline.
- Planning materials and resources.
- Sample school-hosted SSL opportunity resources and ideas.
- Directions for implementing the districtwide SSL opportunity.