Employees are encouraged to use the electronic or PDF versions of this form when making a complaint of discrimination, harassment, or workplace bullying under MCPS Regulations ACA-RA: Nondiscrimination, Equity, and Cultural Proficiency and/or ACH-RA: Workplace Bullying.
This form provides employees a way to submit an administrative complaint to employee concerns involving the interpretation or implementation of Montgomery County Board of Education (Board) policies or Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) regulations or rules.
Complete this form if you are a student victim, the parent/guardian of a student victim, a close adult relative of a student victim, a bystander, or a school staff member and wish to report an incident of alleged hate bias. Incidents involving hate and discrimination in any form are serious and will not be tolerated.
The OIG Hotline is for anyone who knows of or suspects fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or violations of laws and regulations involving U.S. Department of Education funds or programs. This includes allegations of suspected wrongdoing by Department employees, contractors, grantees, schools and school officials, persons in positions of trust involving Department funds or programs, collection agencies, recipients of student financial assistance, or lending institutions. If you have knowledge of any wrongdoing involving Department funds or operations, click the links below to report it.
The Montgomery County Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is an independent office of county government that conducts investigations and proactive audits and evaluations to increase transparency and accountability in publicly funded programs and agencies including Montgomery County Public Schools and the Board of Education. The goals of the Inspector General include preventing, detecting, and deterring fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement. Anyone can contact the office to make a report or raise a concern. Under County law, it is illegal to retaliate against employees and contractors for making a report to the OIG.
Hotline: 240 777 7644
Email: IG@montgomerycountymd.gov
MCPS employees are always encouraged to speak freely with their supervisors, even with regard to concerns they may have about their workplace. In certain cases, however, they may feel it is not appropriate to discuss their concerns with their supervisor. For this reason, MCPS has taken additional steps to foster an ethical workplace for all employees by contracting with Lighthouse Services to provide a place where they can report concerns anonymously. The hotline and website represent the MCPS commitment to fostering an ethical workplace for all employees and to protecting public resources.
Employees can make a report anonymously 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reports can be received in more than 140 languages, including Spanish.
Call 877-268-8620 (toll free)
Send an email
Submit a Tip Online
(Click on Submit Incident Report button.)
Safe Schools Maryland - an ANONYMOUS and FREE reporting system available to students, teachers, school staff members, parents, and the general public to report any school or student safety concerns, including mental health concerns. Safe Schools Maryland is Maryland’s only official anonymous reporting system. Safe Schools Maryland operates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year. Your anonymous report can be submitted by calling the tip line (1-833-MD-B-SAFE / 1-833-632-7233), completing an online form (below), or downloading the free Safe Schools Maryland app from the App Store or Google Play.
Call 1-833-MD-B-SAFE / 1-833-632-7233
If you have knowledge of any wrongdoing involving U.S. Department of Education funds or programs, you can report it to the OIG Hotline. Check out the links below for more information on what to report, how to file a report, whistleblower protections, and other resources.