6th Grade Mini-Orientations

We look forward to welcoming our new students this summer during our mini-orientations. These sessions will provide a general overview of Argyle Middle School, including a tour of the building. Though registration is not necessary, we ask that you let us know which session you plan to attend by completing this Google form. A list of session days and times is below:
July 22 @ 10:00 am (Instrumental Music Orientation is also at 11:30 this day!)
July 24 @ 1:00 pm
July 31 @ 3:00 pm
August 1 @ 10:00 am
We will also host our annual New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 22. This half-day orientation is coordinated in conjunction with MCPS and transportation will be provided for students who qualify for bus service during the school year. Students will get to follow their schedule, meet their teachers and classmates, and get ready for an amazing school year! More information on this event to follow.