Automotive Students at DHS Donates 2020 Kia Soul

Damascus, MD- On Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 9 a.m., Damascus High School students, the Automotive Trades Foundation (ATF), Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) staff, and community members gathered together to support a family in need with the donation of a 2020 Kia Soul.

The Kia was donated by the Hobbs family of ComTech Systems, Inc. Mike Hobbs shared with the group that ComTech is a local, family owned company and values community connections. He was thankful ComTech has opportunities through their MCPS connections to support local families. Mr. Hobbs also recognized MCPS Department of Partnerships Director Elaine Chang, as she was instrumental in helping the Hobbs give back to their community.

Ms. Chang said, “I was thrilled to be involved with the gifting of a car to a family in need. Through our business partnerships and our work with the Automotive Trades Foundation (ATF), we found a way to support a local family.  I am grateful for the efforts of the very impressive students who refurbished the car and the ATF for addressing any needs. The ATF insured a seamless transition of ownership, starting at the donation through the delivery of the car to its new owners.”

At the conclusion of the ceremony, the “Golden Key” was passed from the donors, to MCPS, to the students, and finally to the family receiving the donation. The family shared how moved they were that the community came together to support them through this difficult time.

The ATF is grateful for the media coverage from MyMCMedia, WUSA9, and MCPS. Check out the video coverage below. 
