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Mr. Matt Chandler (Administrator)
Ms. Danielle Prietz (Content Specialist)
Ms. Allison Baisey
Mr. Kevin Chicca
Mr. Gregory Dow
Mr. Richard Gray (Band/Orchestra)
Mr. Kevin Guard
Ms. Arabret Lewis (Art)
Dr. Anita Stoll (Chorus)
Ms. Pearlestine Vails


Health Links

Check out Health Links compiled by the Health and P.E. Department.

Middle School Sports Program

The middle school interscholastic sports program will continue a modified sports program. It consists of softball and cross-country in the fall, basketball in the winter and soccer in the spring. Only seventh and eighth grade students can participate. There will be both a boys and girls mixed grade level team for each sport. A reminder that students must pay the $30 activity fee in order to play on a Banneker sports team. STUDENTS MUST HAVE A CURRENT PHYSICAL ON FILE IN THE HEALTH ROOM PRIOR TO TRYING OUT for a sports team.

Physical Education (P.E.) Uniforms

We would like to inform you in advance of the materials your child will need for participation in his/her daily Physical Education class. Students are required to change clothes for physical activity. 

P.E. Uniform Info 










All parents are invited to attend BACK TO HEALTH NIGHT - watch here for the date!   An overview of the Health Program will be presented.