Mr. Adelekan's Entry Plan (Posted 9/7/2023)

Greetings Benjamin Banneker Middle School Staff, Students, and Community,

I am truly excited for the opportunity to serve as your Acting Principal. For the last 18 years, I have had an amazing journey as an educator which has provided me with an array of experiences. During this time, I have had the pleasure of serving as a high school special education teacher, resource teacher for special education, assistant school administrator, and most recently serving as assistant principal at Briggs Chaney Middle School. I grew up in the Washington DC metropolitan area. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of the District of Columbia and my master's degree from Bowie State University. I currently reside in Columbia, Maryland with my wife and two sons.

As a leader, communication, and accessibility are extremely important to me. I have written three goals for my leadership transition. The goals help to organize the intentional steps I will take to learn about the school and community in the areas of academic excellence, well-being and family engagement, and operational excellence. At the core of my transition plan are the students of Benjamin Banneker Middle School. My vision for students is for them to become the best version of themselves. I am committed to collaboration and establishing a strong partnership with the Benjamin Banneker Middle School community.

Ahmed Adelekan
Acting Principal
Benjamin Banneker Middle School

BBMS Mr. Adelekan Entry Plan 2023-24 .pdf